December 11, 2005

Was Maurice Strong at the Climate Conference? Questions: Trent & International Consortium on Anti-Virals (ICAV), Emergency Preparedness & Navy

So much depends upon OPM* and UN / international activists, IMHO.

There were several items in this September post: FHTR week of Sept. 4-10, 05 -- "Reminder Tonight Global TV, Terrorism, UN, Strong: Two Views, Navy & Communication Problem, Trusts & Taxes" -- Scroll down.

Maurice Strong's lawyer -- "Man of the world: Maurice Strong" -- "Pro and Con: Like Lester Pearson and Norman Bethune, Maurice Strong belongs in the pantheon of internationalists" John A. Campion, Financial Post, Sept. 9, 05


Shades of Worldly Sophistication? Understands how to get things done globally . . . with a million in cash and a handshake?

Man of the UN: Maurice Strong -- Pro and Con: Strong isn't totally exonerated by this week's Volcker report - and nor are his views on an expanded UN


And more! Yes, Mr. Limbaugh, there really is a University for Peace Judi McLeod, Oct. 14, 2005

. . . In sunny Costa Rica, Rush. That’s where the United Nations has its university. It’s called the University for Peace, U-peace for short. A training camp for diplomatic Pooh-bahs that end up in Manhattan, the concept was adopted by the UN general assembly Dec. 5, 1980, in resolution 35/55. Costa Rica abolished its army in 1948. The peace-lovin’ UN would like that.

. . . the UN has a school, while noting that its experts had coined the term “environmental refugees”. Now that the term “environmental refugees” has been coined, the experts who coined it are predicting that there will be “50 million environmental refugees in the world in five years’ time”. [. . . . ]

Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod: Congressional report calls for investigation of Maurice Strong's role in Oil-for-Food scandal Dec. 9, 05 -- or CNEWS Forum casper34

On Sept. 7, 2005 it was revealed by the Independent Inquiry into the Oil-for-Food scandal that Strong had received a $1-million cheque from North Korean lobbyist Tongsun Park for the acquisition of shares in Cordex Petroleum Inc.–a Maurice Strong company.

Cordex Petroleum was also on the listing of assets of Paul Martin in his declaration of assets while he was Minister of Finance.

... $1-million ...Cordex by Tongsun Park...Saddam Hussein in Iraq. [. . . . ]

Search: Canadian members of parliament voted against investigating , "UN climate conference in Montreal expected to hear from Strong--who is generally accepted as the architect of the Kyoto protocol"

Check further into Louise Frechette and her part in the whole UN oil-for-food fiasco; see a photo: Pierre Pettigrew, Louise Frechette, Paul Martin, Richard Kinley, Officer-in-Charge, UNFCCC listening at the UN Climate Change Conference, Dec. 7, 05 Montreal -- "Arctic natives seek global warming ruling", Charles Hanley, AP

As ice caps shrink around them, Inuit activists are making an international case out of Washington's alleged indifference to global warming. But the Bush administration is standing by its refusal to negotiate long-term limits on "greenhouse gases."

How do we tell an activist from any other citizen? Is it funding or coaching?

Can you see where this is leading? UN involvement at the behest of Canadian natives. My goodness, we'll need UN / global governance . . . won't we? How else?

Canada Free Press: Trent Strangely Silent About Anti-Viral Symposium: Why? By Our Trent
Tuesday, October 4, 2005

. . . Trent has been uncharacteristically silent about the recent "Public Symposium" billed to be attended by 130 of the world's top scientists, researchers and medical experts. Following a kick-off reception and hobnob at the Canadian Canoe Museum . . . Dr. Roberta Bondar. . . . Trent's efforts to inform the public in advance . . . conveniently left he word "public" out, provided no detail and simply pointed readers to the International Consortium on Anti-Virals (ICAV) website. . . . why the silence in this case? Could this have been to deflect attention from some issues Trent would rather not have the public be informed about?

There are many curious facts threading their way in and around Trent's association with the ICAV which are noteworthy and deserving of further investigation and ongoing discussion. We'll look at a few of these facts and then review the efficacy of ICAV's efforts to secure millions of dollars of taxpayers' money. Perhaps this will shed some light on Trent's uncharacteristic silence? [. . . . ]

International . . . Consortium?

OPM* = other people's money

Memory Lane: Navy & Public Security and Emergency Preparedness Canada

Wires get crossed in Canada's relief effort -- Sailors can't reach Ottawa for supplies; they called wrong number, officials say Chris Wattie & Adrian Humphreys, National Post, Sept. 10, 05

Quite an explanation, isn't it? What do you think happened?


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