December 09, 2005

Gov's 'Client Groups', Another Episode: The Quebec might separate series, Newspapers & My meander, Khadr: "child"

I think I might have a few ideas about the client groups who live on OPM and/or join do gooder groups to run other peoples' lives . . . in their own best interests of course.

The only party in town -- Why do so many people seem to believe that government under anyone but the Liberals is unthinkable? Paul Wells, Nov. 23, 05 via Jack's Newswatch

The highlight of the social calendar this autumn in the nation's capital has been the majestic Running of the Terrified Liberal Client Groups.

Teams of hardy journalists pen themselves up in cramped Parliament Hill press theatres with herds of federal grant recipients -- Aboriginal groups, environmentalists, starving artists -- who have been pushed to the brink of panic by rumours of a coming election. The thought that the Liberal era might be ending causes a stampede. The risk of being trampled in the rush to the scrum microphone is real. [. . . . ]

Ask a farmer whose profits are eaten into by protected critters--or even big and/or cute ones--about the animal lovers and the hug a plant crowd--the plant that grows on his property that he isn't supposed to destroy because his land is its habitat--what he thinks when those who know about these things come a-calling and telling him what he can--and cannot--do on his own land, providing he is not polluting the water or ruining someone else's land. Often these are the same people who are living on OPM sluiced from governments on high or supported by those living on the public teat in some helping way. (universities are a familiar habitat, for example).

As for the aboriginal handouts, that, and the system have to end some time, somehow, by an act of Parliament, if necessary. It is time for the natives to take care of their own families, houses, ATV's, education and all the rest, or suffer the consequences. I am not the only one tired of the milking White guilt crowd , those who speak for the rest and through whom the $$$ are funnelled. Canadians in general did not cause any parents to become so addicted that they cannot look after their own children. The effort to educate natives who lived in the bush was a noble effort to bring natives into the twentieth century and, if some abused that, punish the individuals. The rest of us are NOT responsible. Natives must choose to straighten out their own lives, not blame everyone else forever. That cow has been milked dry.

I have always wondered how many of these groups would survive if Canadians' tax money were not thrown their way.

One could ask: is it art worth supporting if nobody wants it enough to pay for it? I know; I remember Theo Van Gogh sold something like only two paintings in his lifetime, and they were bought by his brother, so that is used an argument for supporting artists who must live until their work is recognized as masterful. Still, the veneration of art supported by OPM has moved into the realm of the ridiculous, IMHO.** Sometimes, just sometimes, Canadians would like to judge art and value for themselves, instead of being patronized--their taste dismissed as plebian--by those who know about these things , those who consider their own taste to be elevated compared to that of the hoi polloi, who do not sit on art judging committees. The artistic types know better. Who decides whether the taste of those who judge is adequate to satisfy those who actually work, contribute, and pay their tax dollars into the arts. . . via government?

** Related is Bud's post, "The fraud of the Turner Art Prize--Shedboatshed" in the post entitled: Licenced, Regulated, Indoctrinated -&- Other Bud Bites

Liberals in a panic over Quebec By Arthur Weinreb, Associate Editor, Dec. 7, 2005

[. . . . ] Speaking to a group of 600 supporters in Boucherville, Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe said, "Fortunately, the Bloc is here. Fortunately we’ll make the Liberals disappear". Lapierre criticized the Bloc leader by saying "That kind of language, where you say you want to make your opponents disappear, there’s a little bit of a Nazi tone in that."

Lapierre’s comments were criticized by Jewish groups for trivializing the horrors of the Nazi regime. It certainly isn’t surprising that the Liberals would downplay Nazism in order to score political points. To many on the left there is little difference between Nazis and the Conservatives. These are the same Liberals who see Saddam Hussein and his henchmen as poor victims of American aggression.

"There was frankly little hard evidence that the newsroom capacity is being built up, even to develop the emerging journalism of the Internet, where the audience - and importantly, the young audience - is clearly growing." By the Project for Excellence in Journalism and Rick Edmonds of The Poynter Institute

There is no substitute for a hard copy of the newspaper with early morning coffee . . . but I suspect those who agree are a dying breed. At least no webmaster can alter what is on paper.* If the government(s) continues 'educating' our young, there will be no need for a newspaper; most will be 'passing' and 'succeeding' while playing computer games, buying lottery tickets, watching--not playing--some sport, listening to rap or hip hop or whatever is currently the flavour of the month, being 'nice' which is politically correct, being taught to ignore the evidence of their eyes and intelligence in the service of mouthing the mantras . . . ah, add to the list yourself, but they will not be reading newspapers

And they won't be learning useful skills either, skills like how to grow things, to cook, to make or take care of things, to repair others, and to fend for themselves. Courses like that? That's so 'yesterday'. We got rid of shop / industrial / motor mechanics / the rudiments of electrical skills; we tossed home economics--cooking, learning useful home or craft skills like knitting something for yourself or making your own clothing--pursuits that kept many a teen busy during those difficult years. Now . . . . . . ta da! We are so progressive. We use computers in our schools. We are inclusive, diverse, multicult, learn our rights--but not our responsibilities, must feel the requisite amount of guilt about our ancestors' part in all the world's ills . . . and ours if we don't . . . blah, blah, blah. . . . oh, yes, and send $$$ . . . . loads of guilt geld.

Speaking of students, when did girls become so foul mouthed? Privately, everyone has exasperation and fury words, but publicly, while walking along the street talking to a girlfriend? They need a mother--or to be pc about it, a parent--with time to notice, to be fully engaged, preferably one parent at home if they choose to become parents. Teens need a strong father, maybe not smacking them, but at least noticing and curbing their unacceptable behaviour -- nothing like loss of the family car and other privileges with the additiion of a few household chores--or else! . . . or more creative approaches. The point is, it takes a family and if our government continues, the male-female family with co-operative roles in child upbringing will be dead. Is it any wonder we have bullying and discipline problems, despite the money spent on education for a group of, by world standards, extraordinarily blessed young people?

I hasten to add, not all and not all programs fit my description above and I know of many well-meaning members of the system -- but to be in the system, they cannot speak up too loudly, nor too much, nor can they too often question the received wisdom. You know how the game is played, don't you?

Finally, have Canadians have been lied to so much that they now lie to themselves about what is before their eyes? The blinkin' system is corrupt, pervasive, and has to change, throughout, before those who have altered the system that used to work and their control is supreme and unchangeable.

* Memo to government: stop (removing or altering evidence of your activities from ) changing government websites -- removing materials and updating them which has the effect of removing sensitive information that citizens deserve to know . . . you know, the ones who pay the bills.

The ones who pay the bills don't want to see the Omar Khadr "child" either, nor do they want to pay to support him, nor his family. Turf the whole tribe out to where they came from; let Osama and Co. pay their way.

Alleged U.S. medic murderer portrayed as "teen" and "child" by Toronto Star Judi McLeod, Nov. 9, 2005

With murder and attempted murder charges laid against him by the U.S. military, 19-year-old Omar Khadr was presented on the front page of the Toronto Star as a "Toronto teen" and a "child" yesterday.

"Omar Khadr is a child," Muneer Ahmad, a Center for Constitutional Rights lawyer, told the Star.

[. . . . ]The charges against Khadr, announced by the Pentagon on Monday, stem from a grenade attack in Afghanistan that killed U.S. medic Sgt. Christopher Speer and cost Sgt. 1st class Layne Morris his sight in one eye. [. . . . ]

Search more information on the Center for Constitutional Rights. Who backs it? Is tax money contributing to this?


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