December 06, 2005

Egg Nog Season: "Priorities" -&- Cdn Parallels: The Left, History, "Root Causes" & Realities

Think of what might occur while--going all warm and fuzzy at this point--Christmas is hyped by the mainstream media who have ignored the reason for Christmas for years . . . and politicians, PM & Team, hone their newly-discovered, deep concern for Christians' sensitivities--Christmas interrupted, ruined, even, by electioneering . . . . Meanwhile, the citizenry are treated to lashings of advertisements for love/sex/gambling online, and lottery tickets are featured in every corner store; everywhere there are advertisements by government(s) grown greedy for gambling money. It's gaming, not gambling you understand -- an industry.

What, of import, is brewing while Canadians are being spared discussion of serious issues--in the interest of their Judeo-Christian heritage, of course.

Note: Throughout the following, I have inserted what I see as Canadian rough equivalents and my comments--suggestions of events that parallel the laxity described in Horowitz's article during the administration of Bill Clinton while he dallied with women and was feted and funded by people whose interests were not America's.

Cdn Parallels: The Left, History, "Root Causes" & Realities

How the Left Undermined America's Security Before 9/11 -- The September 11 attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center marked the end of one American era and the beginning of another. Mar 24, 2002, by David Horowitz, September 10, 2004 (a reprint from March 24, 2004 to mark the three year anniversary of 9/11) -- or here -- or here An exploration of recent history and "Root Causes"

[. . . . ] By Clinton's own account, Monica Lewinsky was able to visit him privately more than a dozen times in the Oval Office. . . . the CIA could not get a single private meeting with the President, despite the Trade Center bombing of February 26, 1993 or the killing of 18 American soldiers in Mogadishu on October 3 of the same year.[. . . . ]

In 1996, an American Muslim businessman and Clinton supporter named Mansoor Ijaz opened up an unofficial channel between the government of the Sudan and the Clinton Administration. At the same time, "the State Department was describing bin Laden as "the greatest single financier of terrorist projects in the world" and was accusing the Sudan of harboring terrorists." [ Clinton could have had bin Ladin killed or captured then but he did nothing so . . . ]

Bin Laden left for Afghanistan, taking with him Ayman Awahiri, considered by the U.S. to be the chief planner of the September 11 attacks." [Zwahiri ?]

One month later, the US military housing complex in Saudi Arabia was blown apart by a 5,000 lb truck bomb. Clinton?s failure to grasp the opportunity, concludes Mansoor, "represents one of the most serious foreign policy failures in American history." [. . . . ]

While security has been warning the Canadian government for years, consider the foreign businessmen who have networked with powerful politicians, who have opened up avenues to business elsewhere such as China, businessmen whose ties are to an oppressive regime with designs on what Canada has, achieving Canadian citizenship being only one aspect of their plans, IMHO. Consider immigration to Canada based on ties to various political groups forming / formed in Canada and the push to bring in immigrants from the home countries of these various voting blocks, not immigration based on Canada's needs nor the immigrants' suitability. Think of the potential for destabilization here.

The Failure to Take Security Seriously

. . . Clinton Administration . . . hamstring the intelligence services in the name of civil liberties, shrink the U.S. military in the name of economy, and prevent . . . and in the White House?s judgment there was no requisite military threat. . . [no necessity] to be able to fight wars [. . . . ]

Clinton and the Military

Think of the emasculation of Canada's military and the talk of "peacekeeping" when there is no or little peace to keep--Remember Rwanda and Romeo Dallaire:--the social engineering to convince citizens and students that guns are intrinsically evil and that warring if necessary to protect our civilization and freedoms are just not on--just not done. Canadians are kinder, gentler . . . and naive.

The Partisan Nature of the Security Problem

More than 100 Arabic operatives participated in the attack on the World Trade Center Towers. . . over a period of several years. . . . enter . . . without passports . . . .received training in flying commercial airliners . . . despite clear indications . . . might be part of a terrorist campaign. At the same time, Democrats

Canada's Liberal/NDP, courting votes, IMHO, pressed for greater relaxation of immigration policies and resisted scrutiny of foreign nationals on the grounds that to do so constituted "racial profiling."

Consider Canada's insane immigration and refugee policies combined with the race / victimology industry and multiculturalism which observes the polite fiction that all cultures, all human beings are equally worthy, perhaps deserving of preferential treatment to ensure equality, instead of equal opportunity and expectations that new Canadians have some responsibilities.

To coordinate . . . communicate with each other electronically on channels that America's high-tech intelligence . . . . not detected . . . first line of defense against such attacks was effectively crippled by powerful figures in the Democratic [Canada's government and the NDP, along with the chattering classes] Party who considered the CIA [Canada's agency / agencies responsible for monitoring security] the problem and not America's enemies. [. . . . ]

Do you really trust our government's intentions, vis a vis our emails and Internet privacy? Do you sense that there are already avenues that police and security services could use right now, were the government to facilitate--or is it support?--using the laws we already have? Have these agencies been hamstrung in policing the Internet's terrorists because of the government's need to keep the goodwill of certain voting blocks? In an effort to avoid naming the most likely sources of terror and malignancy, and thus those who should be monitored, all of us must pay -- giving up our right to privacy.

Would this government be averse to using this access to monitor those who might vote it out of office? People such as bloggers? . . . Why, bloggers could tell you stories . . . but they suspect or know who would cover for the culprits. All bits and bites travel through / via government-friendly . . . enablers, whether intended or otherwise. Check on this. Where are the hubs / servers / potential bottlenecks? Who staff and run them?

There are scores of Republican congressmen [Canadian] leaders of military, intelligence and government oversight committees who attempted to sound the alarm on this front, and who expressed publicly . . .their distress at being unable to reach the broad American [Canadian] electorate with their concerns about these national security issues because of the indifference of the liberal media and the partisan rancor of the Democrats. . .

Listen to the news tonight. CBC, Global, TV, whatever. Mainly, there will be defense of and politicking for the Liberals. Think of the leftist and Liberals cries of "anti-immigrant" and "racist", "inclusiveness" and "diversity" . . . especially at the drop of the writ . . . and the prospect of votes.

The Lobby Against America's Intelligence Services

One of the . . . security lapses preceding the World Trade Center attack was the post-Vietnam crusade against U.S. intelligence and defense agencies [. . . . ]

The University Left Against The Nation's Security

[. . . . ] "In the late seventies, the radical students of the 1960s began to enter the professoriate. [. . . . ]

In his book, Orientalism, Said [in Canada, various spokesmen for identifiable groups--immigrants and natives] argued that all previous scholarship on the Middle East was hopelessly biased because it was written by white Europeans and thus "racist." According to Said, "All Western knowledge of the East was intrinsically tainted with imperialism." In one stroke Said thus discredited all previous scholarship in the field, paving the way for its replacement by Marxist radicals like himself.

More on the university left and its methods later. It's the networking that is so insidious, the taxpayer money for leftist engineering of people's minds. NJC

With the help of his left-wing academic allies, Said's extremist viewpoint created the climate and context for a revolution in Middle Eastern studies. This was accelerated by the "multi-culturalist" attitudes of the university and racial preference policies in faculty hiring, which involved the widespread recruitment of political leftists . . . . This demographic transformation consolidated the conversion of Middle Eastern studies into leftist anti-Americanism." [ . . . . ]

Canada received many anti-war leftists as draft dodger immigrants/refugees; several entered the universities. Leftist thought runs throughout university departments, not just the social sciences, and, more and more, the leftist approach is woven throughout the universities -- to the point where any other point of view is dismissed as not arguable -- as already decided by right-thinking, politically correct individuals -- so there goes healthy discussion, learning and consideration of other viewpoints.

Consider Canada's leftist anti-militarism and decimation of our security and defence services--anti-nation in favour of pan globalism--forsaking Canadians' security in favour of following leftist UN rhetoric and promotion of more of what, arguably, has failed in the past and what is threatening Canadians' present and future--think criminal gangs and gun crimes along with the terrorist underground and the jihadis allowed in.

Think also using tax money to pay for and promote the UN agenda. (See an article on this "Media Hatchet Job in the Maritimes" below or later, depending upon time constraints.)

The only places the CIA [Canada's security agencies] can recruit its missing brainpower--"the only institutions able to supply the world-class linguists, biologists, and computer scientists it currently lacks--are America's universities." But the universities have long since become the political base of a left that has not given up its fantasies of social revolution and is deeply antagonistic to America and its purposes. The root cause of the nation's security problem is that beginning in the 1960s the political left aimed a dagger at the heart of America's security system and, from a vantage of great power in the universities, the media and the Democratic [Liberal Party / Canada's government] Party, were able to press the blade home for three decades prior to the World Trade Center [Canada's next] disaster. [. . . . ]

While the helping professions are helping and the politicians are planning, actually, what has our government's response been to the following?

* the Air India bombing of Canadians -- studies, commission(s), paying out taxpayers' money to lawyer members of the family of an accused to defend him . . . . and the victims' families? Nothing.

* Ahmed Ressam and the associated terrorists and budding terrorists about whom the government has been warned, repeatedly -- See "Canadian Terrorist(s)" or
"U.S. jury indicts ex-Canadian resident" on Canadian Kassem Daher, Nov. 23, 05 -- only one example of several

* Gamil Gharbi's murder of 14 students at the Ecole Polytechnic in Montreal -- Actually, the MSM/ LibPropOrg / government decided to press the idea that it was no foreign influence via his misogynist, Algerian Muslim hate-filled father, but rather, a Canadian named Marc Lepine, who terorized and killed 14 women.

Thus, no association would be made between the schooled in hatred men who emanate from Muslim lands such as in North Africa and the Palestinian territories. Thoughts of extremist / Islamist / Algerian extremists and hatred were lost, along with the Gharbi name, and women began marching against male violence.

I suggest women have and use the power to wound the spirit and kill every bit as readily as men. Think Homulka, the killer(s) of Reena Virk, the women who've killed or wounded their husbands and received puff-ball sentences because they were victims and women. All the anti-male rhetoric and activity has moved in the direction of emasculating the fighting spirit, the testosterone-driven innate protective and defensive capacity of men. Consider some additions to the ranks of the military -- the changing--never lowering--of standards to accommodate . . .

* the Khadr family terrorist funding and aid, its members taking part in terrorism, then aided by our last Prime Minister--unknowingly, but I wonder if Chretien or Paul Martin will intervene in Iraq on behalf of the Christian missionaries taken by jihadis who kill? Bill Sampson has his own story of how little the Canadian government actually did.

* the FINTRAC report claiming they had identified over $2 billion in suspected money laundering and terrorist financing -- See: Updated: Dear Santa: Forgotten Taxpayers Want $$$ Too! -&- Stephen Harper Motion: "That this House has lost confidence in the Government posted November 27, 2005

* Organized crime mobs are targeting Parliament and other Canadian institutions in an attempt to spread corruption and political instability . . . . -- See: Hail to the chief … Kofi Annan? -&- Canada-Org. Crime: Aim is to 'corrupt, destabilize' system -&- Blowing the Border, posted Nov. 35, 05

Aim is to 'corrupt, destabilize' system

(4) Mobsters target Parliament . . .


Meanwhile reporters ask questions about same sex marriage and whether politicians love Canada. Does this one have charisma and is that one scary . . . and oh, my, Quebec may separate . . . man the barricades with Liberals and taxpayer $$$ to keep . . . . the $ high and . . . Quebec in Canada.

During the last few years, several warnings have been presented, for example, James D. Harder's report Chinese Intelligence Services and Triads Financial Links in Canada or Canada Targeted by China Agents Dec. 18, 2000

[. . . . ] Chinese control of major businesses in Canada’s technology sector, entertainment and media, food-services industry and banking and financial institutions. . . .

While the spiked report says the banking industry is one of China’s most important economic leverages in Canada, it identifies high technology as the area most at risk. It cites cases of theft of Canadian proprietary information and/or technology, including the theft of information concerning nuclear technology.

The Chinese intelligence services do not hesitate to expend great energy on pursuing their activities. “They have established companies on Canadian soil for traditional and economic espionage purposes. These companies are used as cover for Chinese agents to help them gain entree into Canadian business circles. These front companies have been observed to have contacts with the triads in Canada,” [. . . . ]

Search: trying to alert the Canadian public about , compromised leaders of the very government , left the CSIS , under a gag order

If you haven't already, skim the headers and some of the 14 sections of this

You will recognize some names, undoubtedly.

* Tamil Terrorists -- in Canada, intimidating other immigrants from Sri Lanka, who happen to be a large (Liberal) voting block

Utilizing the powerful resources of the academy, the left has created a vast propaganda apparatus to establish what is essentially the view of the CIA [Canada's security, police and defence forces] held by America's [ultimately, Canada's] fiercest enemies. The anti-American propaganda [in Canada, as well] is itself disseminated under the imprint of America's most prestigious university presses including Harvard, California, Duke, and Princeton.

Consider the Canada's justice system--police drowning in endless often mindless paperwork and the courts' soft sentencing of criminals--'victims' of society--who commit crimes. How else would you characterize a teen firebug getting house arrest or the like for causing a million + $$$ damage and putting several out of work . . . never having to say he's sorry. He's a 'youth'.

Consider Canada's anti-police, anti-military, anti self-protection if it involves a gun attitudes; meanwhile, the criminal gangs are awash in guns and make enough money dealing drugs and hot merchandise to pay phalanxes of lawyers to defend them against police who cannot afford such lawerly and costly backup -- the policing agencies whom the populous has been taught--is it socially engineered?--to distrust. Think of the number of TV programs that present the idea of corrupt cops and / or rich corrupt businessmen--a sort of stick it to business attitude.

Meanwhile, the dangerous businessmen engaged in the grow-ops, Ecstasy manufacture, export / import drug businesses thrive. Canadians will hear more in the mainstream media about any cases of police corruption than they will about the problems with funding and manpower to do their jobs, to say nothing of the border / port / coastal insecurity and/or laxity.

Canada's political power brokers turn to that hotbed of all perqs and privilege, corruption and oil-for-food $$$, the United Nations, as the font of wisdom for how to deal with the world--send more $$$--prop up the already corrupt regimes (Arafat, aid to China which can afford to buy up key sectors such as banking, financial, and energy companies in Canada) and treat them as if they were decent, democratic governments--pay here for pollution resulting from the use of our energy, but let the others continue their pollution because they're poor . . . and accept fake refugees with fake documents who will cry racism here, political harassment, torture or death if sent home.

The UN as guide? You jest . . .

Canadians are paying their tax money for this propaganda in many visible and other unseen leftist government programs, some humanitarian, some with do gooder, busybody, or perhaps less humanitarian ideas such as global governance written all over them.


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