November 14, 2005

Updated: Bud Talkinghorn: Riots in France--a Reality Check

Update: This is just in from JK in California who used to live in Canada via Switzerland from Czechoslovakia -- the Hungarian part.

"I guess few realize that the French Minister Sarkozy (really pronounced: "Shaarkoezy") is a Hungarian, albeit presumably born in France - but certainly with some tough genes."

Earlier today, he sent me this on becoming a citizen:

I guess in a sense Nicholas and I (we both having escaped together in '49) were sort of lucky in that we were a minority in our native country, but when we were born, Czechoslovakia was a well working democracy with reasonable individual freedoms, albeit not to the extent of those in Canada and the US. From there it went downhill: rightist Slovakia, then leftist Czechoslovakia, then leftist Slovakia, all he while changing from German to Hungarian to Slovak schools, so we had ample practice in adaptations; therefore, from day one after arrival in Canada, we avoided any Hungarian, Slovak, or German clubs and made a point to have contacts mainly with Canadians; in fact Nick and I even started right away to converse in English -- in spite of the fact that we barely knew a few words of it. We started to read English books with the dictionary in one hand (I started with The Razor's Edge-and don't remember a word from it) - and all that obviously paid off. If you want to live in a country, better adapt to it in every way.

France: Video via Jack's Newswatch, Nov. 14, 05

Saudi Arabia: "A court sentenced a teacher to 40 months in prison and 750 lashes for "mocking religion" after he discussed the Bible and praised Jews" via Jack's Newswatch, Nov. 14, 05

And we let their imams come here to preach Wahhabism. The North American death wish?

Cost of teaching civil servants a second language tops $120 million annually via Jack's Newswatch

"Are we at the moment witnessing the end of Europe?"

Al Qaeda in Europe -- "Europe is now a key strategic pole for al Qaeda" Jamie Glazov, Nov. 14, 05, FrontPageMag via Newsbeat1

[. . . . ] The first radicals reached Europe in the 1950s. They were mostly members of the Muslim Brotherhood fleeing the crackdown of the regimes in Egypt and Syria. Some others were students who attended European universities. They set up mosques and Islamic centers that catered to the small Muslim community that was starting to populate Europe. As this community grew, so did the funding from Saudi Arabia and other rich foreign donors. These wealthy sponsors made sure that the mosques they were financing were run by Muslim Brothers and other radicals who supported the spread of extremism among the continuously growing European Muslim communities. A watershed event was [. . . . ]

Search: Finsbury Park mosque in London or the Islamic Cultural Institute of Milan , Europe's main mistake , talks publicly about conquering Europe , Algerian President Houari Boumedienne proclaimed in a speech at the U.N. , exploited the sense of disenfranchisement , UOIF--Union of Islamic Organizations of France , failed to instil a sense of citizenship , Hizb ut Tahrir or al Muhajiroun spread the message , in a couple of decades non-ethnic Europeans

End of Update

Riots in France--a Reality Check

A little known fact is that the burning of cars has been a long-standing "sport" for the Arab and African slum kids. About a year ago, I read an article that said there had been 1,600 cars stolen and then burned in the city of Strasbourg alone. According to The Globe and Mail (Nov. 14, 2005, A9) the French police intelligence department RG has recorded 28,000 cars being burned in the LAST TEN MONTHS--650 for each week. Most of those cars were burned while the youth were off for the weekend.

In reality, these slum kids have been totally out of control for a long time. The deaths of the two youths by electrocution was simply an excuse for arson on a big time scale. The only real difference is that now schools, youth centers, and businesses have been targetted. For those of you old enough, try to remember the prophetic film, A Clockwork Orange, where psychopathic louts or drogues terrorized London, you will recognize these kids. The opening scene is in a narcotics-dispensing bar, which is popular with both the teenage gangsters and the effete socialist elite. Stanley Kubrick, the director, saw the connection between these monsters and their leftish apologists even back then. [An aside: I see the on-going slaughter of teachers and students in the school systems of North America has become a drum beat of this phenomenon of youthful anarchy on this side of the Atlantic.]

The fact that this European Muslim youth anarchy has reached The Netherlands and Belguim is a sign that unassimilated (cannot be assimilated?) cultures are time bombs that must be defused quickly. Rolling over in the face of wanton destruction is not one of the ways to accomplish this. Establish law and order; talk about "root causes" later.

Bud Talkinghorn

My Comments:

Bud, those termed "youths" can be 24 or 25 -- the age at which some Canadians had served in Europe in WWII for years, piloted planes, fought for their and our lives, and acted honourably. These? Sarkozy had the term for the rioters / arsonists / pyromaniacs / destroyers / those unable to be assimilated. The term is not intended for the poor decent ones who are struggling to live normally in the midst of the diabolical destructiveness of their fellows. Now, it is time for decent Muslims to denounce Islamists who use their religion to justify destruction and glorify evil because they value expressions of hatred and barbarism more than the ability to contribute positively to any society.

Throughout the Muslim world, some of the finest architecture is that of mosques, with a few modern buildings (towers -- hotels -- oil money ). Where are the inventions, the products of creativity, the evidence of a civilized mind today? It is time for the best of the Muslim world to encourage youth to value construction over destruction. Life over death. Sunshine over fire. Creating over destroying. Love of life over a jihadi explosion into "heaven"? Live women over houris? . . . What if houris don't exist? What if . . . ? NJC


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