October 19, 2005

Updated: Charisma, MP Greg Thompson: Emergency Debate on Passport Initiative, Border & Comment Period

Updated added just below this first item.

Mike Strobel: Charisma and Clinton's speech -- Stroebel not impressed Oct. 19, 05 -- Just read the whole thing -- h/t Newsbeat1

[. . . . ] Bill Clinton waggles his finger (and that's not all he waggled) and swears he did no interns. It's a lie.


Now, Slick Willy commands $150 grand US per speech.

Charisma. [. . . . ]

A beautiful mind, eh, Canada? I suppose in certain sectors of Canada, it would pass -- perhaps on a CBC "greatest" . . . er, contest?

Update 1:

But Clinton Has "Charisma", Mr. Freeh!

Freeh at Last Posted Oct 14, 2005, Oliver North, Human Events Online

[. . . . ] Compare that to the three major issues that have defined the legacy of Bill Clinton's time in office -- scandal, corruption and personal moral failings. That legacy was reinforced this week with the release of My FBI , a new blockbuster book by former FBI Director Louis Freeh.

[. . . . ] ". . .There was always some new investigation brewing, some new calamity bubbling just below the headlines."

Freeh continued: ". . . His closets were full of skeletons just waiting to burst out."

When Clinton nominated Freeh to be director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1993, he called him a "law enforcement legend." But it didn't take long for that belief to change, later referring to Freeh as "an insufferable Boy Scout." Former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta told CBS News that the relationship between Clinton and the FBI chief deteriorated so badly the president always referred to him as "F-ing" Freeh. [. . . . ]

Slick language, slick Willie.

Search: 177 pardons and commutations , after the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia in 1996 , Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah , Clinton presidential library

Message to the Mainstream Media

Don't give Canadians hogwash on charisma; give us reports of decency, honour, integrity, attention to what is important, not to gaining personal advantage using taxpayer dollars. Point out the decent MP's from all parties. Stop concentrating on what is peripheral and singularly unimportant to good governance.

Even traditional Liberals are appalled

I talked with a Liberal friend lately and we agreed we are both 'conservatives' in that we see things worth conserving; we do want a big change in accountability, transparency and integity in government. We want Parliamentary input, sober consideration of implications for the long term as well as Parliamentary control, instead of PM/PMO appointments.

My friend is appalled by what has been revealed in the Gomery hearings, the Dingwall "gummy" affair, the Dept. of Fisheries, the Dept. of Indian Affairs . . . and more. Probably, my friend will vote Liberal because . . . well, old habits and connections . . . but doubt has entered the mind. The Liberal government for the last many many years has lost its liberalism, in the classical liberal sense. Paul Martin and team are, as were JC & his team, a government of control, socially left to maintain control and to gain votes -- governments of corruption and profligacy with what should be a sacred trust, the taxpayers' $$$. PM and team form a government desperate to remain in power.

IMHO, too many skeletons will fall out of the closet if . . .


October 19, 2005 -- More than a few ears must have stood up yesterday when Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told a Senate panel that the government is intent on sending home every single person who enters the United States illegally.

"Our goal at [the Department of Homeland Security] is to . . . return every single illegal entrant — no exceptions," Chertoff said. [. . . . ]

Related: Hansard, Oct. 18, 05, MP Greg Thompson (New Brunswick Southwest, CPC): the Western Hemispheric Travel Initiative (WHTI) often referred to as the passport initiative.

Mr. Greg Thompson (New Brunswick Southwest, CPC): [. . . . ] In accordance with the requirement of the Standing Orders, I hereby give notice that I will, at the next sitting of the House, make application for an emergency debate on actions taken by the United States of America that will have long lasting and negative consequences for the Canadian economy. With the potential to create more destruction in our trading relationship than the Softwood Lumber issue or BSE.

Mr. Speaker, I am referring to the Western Hemispheric Travel Initiative (WHTI) often referred to as the passport initiative. This initiative will require the use of passports by all U.S. Citizens leaving and returning to their country, this Mr. Speaker would also require Canadians to have the same form of identification ie passports [for travel to the United States]. Thus far Mr. Speaker, Canada has been somewhat silent on this issue, despite the fact that the economic consequences for our country will be great. As evidenced by the statistical information the various sectors of our economy have stated. (Statistical information on this issue would overburden you...but it is information that has been gathered by the Auto and Trucking Industries, Universities, Banks and Corporate Businesses, Border Commissions and Councils [including, obviously, the tourism council] and Provincial Governments.)

This debate I believe...is critically important because under the American Congressional Rules [and it is important for us to understand this] “there is a period of comment” where Canadians are allowed to comment on the impending legislation. [. . . . ]

The Speaker: [. . . . ] the comment period ended on October 31. I therefore do not see the urgency for an emergency debate at this point in time but there may come a day in the next few weeks when there would be some urgency and therefore emergency in terms of this debate. [. . . . ]

Let's see, the Speaker lives in one of the finest homes in Ottawa, I believe. He has a fine taxpayer-provided salary, a chauffeur-driven car, and will have a pension -- doesn't have to worry too much about getting across the border with his load or for some other income-related reason, doesn't run a business which depends on easy border crossing either way . . . so this is not urgent?


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