October 18, 2005

Schadenfreude, Age of Consent, Olympic Buck Passing Team

"A Great German Word" -- "malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others" or CCD

[. . . . ] I am sure that at least some of the flowers, fruit and vegetables that cater to European sophisticates came from the more than 3000 Gaza greenhouses. They were all built on barren empty land by the Jews who ­ until a few years ago - employed over 12,000 Palestinians there. Since the start of the last Intifada and several terror attacks by the more demented employees, the number of Arabs working the greenhouses was drastically reduced, and they were replaced by Thais, Africans and Filipinos. [. . . . ]

Just an hour or so after the Jews left Gaza thousands of Palestinians swarmed into the empty settlements. The Palestinian police watched the mob demolish the abandoned synagogues and set them on fire. They also watched with interest as part of the crowd turned on the greenhouses ­ breaking windows, taking plates of glass, wiring, computer and electronic parts and irrigation pipes and timers. It didn¹t take long ­ after a few hours or so the greenhouses that it had taken years to build were just so much junk. [. . . . ]

I wrote some time ago that I was waiting to read of the Palestinians' creating, growing, developing, inventing anything the world wanted -- for example, even producing the largest pumpkin in the Middle East. I won't hold my breath. They have been schooled in hatred and destruction . . . so Canada's government imports "Palestinian students" to "study"--and stay--and so, we get the Concordia hate fest when Mr. Netanyahu came to speak. And Canadians undoubtedly will vote for more of the same. Quality immigration via universities -- but they vote Liberal and fit into . . . . well, you figure it out.

David Warren: Age of consent via Speak Up For Truth : Of such are the Kingdom of Heaven

We are living, today, in the most child-unfriendly society that has existed.

This is not an argument for day care.

The National political Olympic buck passing team is in damage control mode after an innocent hard working Bus driver was shot -- On the crawl, I see he lost his eye. -- via Newsbeat1

There are several good links on the Newsbeat1 site.


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