October 22, 2005

Supreme Affirmative Action -&- Dingwall as Captain Porker?

The Supreme Affirmative Action Scandal

I read with incredulity the news that Irwin Cotler, the Justice Minister, was considering appointing an aboriginal as the next Supreme. This is political correctness carried into the realm of absurdity. He babbled on about how natives had their own "traditional legal system". Well, that tradition doesn't have any body of case law as background to make complex legal decisions. Besides, whoever got appointed would only bring his own tribe's attitudes and sense of justice to the bar. Going down this road would lead to inferior appointments based on elitist illusions about "inclusion at all costs". Would we have to appoint a visible minority the next time? Minister Cotler has been a disappointment from the beginning; now, he is proving to be dangerous, as well. To make a mockery out of the already weakened Supreme Court could have far reaching consequences. Among a large segment of the populous there is the sense that the Supreme Court is far too activist--writing-in laws that fit their left wing ideology, and of course, that of their Liberal sponsors. The justice system doesn't need any more glances directed askance at it. And if you don't care about the social issues surrounding this appointment, then just care about the financial aspects of enormous land suits brought forth by natives across the country. The taxpayer cannot support billions more put on their tab.

© Bud Talkinghorn

David Dingwall Appearing this Halloween as Captain Porker?

You have to almost laugh as you hear Dingwall testifing before some House Committee. "Yes, I deserved all these entitlements because these are my entitlements", he said in his best Louie the Sixteenth voice. His performance was imperial in its "Let the peasants eat cake" attitude. Basically, it is a defense of:: I was a political appointee with no experience, except in garnering political favour. I collected as much as I could. That's what we all do. We are the real Masters of the Universe here in Canada. How dare you impugn me with tales of corruption. No matter how much hush money the Liberals will pay to silence this guy, the muck is going to stick. He not only hired Chuck Guite, he is Chuck Guite in spirit. They talk about "donor fatigue", but we are witnessing scandal fatique. The snail trail of sleeze never ends. Stories of inappropriate use of the $11,000 an hour government jet abound. It is a total disregard for the taxpayers' money.
Now Canadians feel that, if the rest were audited, this egreious display of "entitlement" would be staggering. It is a volcano that the Liberals must continuously sit upon. No matter how much they stuff into the vent hole, there are still gutters of arrogance gushing out. And slime that can't escape attention. I wait for that day when it erupts in all its glory. Let us witness the politicians who also think that living large is their perogitive. Let us see them naked and defiant. Surely, even our political brain-dead electorate will awaken from its summer snooze, and realize that while they were sleeping this corrosive sleeze was oozing around them.

© Bud Talkinghorn--Maybe this sounds hyberbolic, but it isn't. This particular case has only come to light recently. The opposition is digging ever deeper. More is coming, so sit back and pour yourselves a gin and tonic.


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