September 07, 2005

Updated Katrina: Police on One Policeman's Suicide, Guns, Helping Yourself? Perish the Thought

Update 1:

While a signifcant number of N.O. Police officers bugged out, the rest deserve medals for what they did trying to rescue people while they were being fired upon. Instapundit, and don't miss the links.

That's what governments are for, to help . . . isn't it? Of course, they may have caused your problems in the first place by political decisions instead of sensible ones or by choosing winners and creating losers with $$$, welfare, loans, et cetera, but their publicity machine helps governments to become the overweaning force in many people's lives. Read on.

For one police officer, it was all too much

Requiem For A Heavyweight -- "Sgt. Paul Accardo and the manner of his passing." Sept. 6, 05, by Jack of Jack's Newswatch

[. . . . ] I didn’t know Paul [Accardo] but I am willing to bet eveything I have that he gave the job his best shot and New Orleans was much the richer for it. It may be surprising to many but even the very worst officer has, in my experience, put his life on the line many times during his career for his (or her) fellow citizens without fear or favour.

They just do it because it’s the right thing to do.

Paul never tarnished his badge from what I can see. He did his very best and that is why I find CNN’s article so offensive. [. . . . ]

"Politicians will never, ever take care of you – they only want one thing from you, and that is to stay in power as long as they can."

New Orleans cop: Situation was predictable, by Robert E. Johnson, a retired New Orleans police captain via Jack's Newswatch

[. . . . ] We are now reaping the benefits of a welfare state.

For more years than most can remember, we have been told by those holding office that they will take care of us. We have provided food, clothing and shelter to the extent that the recipients became entirely dependent on government resources to live. They have reached the point that no longer do they have the knowledge to take care of themselves. They will sit there and drown or go hungry, and curse the fact that the government has not gotten them out of this mess. [. . . . ]

Where are all the Democrats who told us the government would take care of us? You said if we vote for you, you will take care of us. Where are you Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry? Anton S, Sept. 6, 05

Making A Case for Guns

Uncle Sam won't save you

The anti-gun choice movement has long and loudly insisted that we should simply call 9-1-1 when faced with burglars, rapists, etc. Not one of them has come forward to explain how the citizens of New Orleans should accomplish that when there is no phone with which to call and no one at the other end of the line to respond. Even if the police were able to answer the call, they are so completely overwhelmed that they would not be able to respond. And even if they were to respond, it would take a very long time indeed for them to boat or swim to your house. [. . . . ]

In a situation like this in gun-registry, gun control Canada where only the crooks who don't register have guns at the ready, who would help you? Faced with a gun-toting criminal thug at your door and a breakdown in law and order, do you call the gun registry office? Liberal Party HQ? The PMO? The Department of Justice?

The more I think of it, the more I see the wisdom of owning a gun. I know a perfectly normal ex-Maritimer, a woman who lives in Miami . . . with a gun in her house for her safety. Makes sense to me.

The schools [Canadian universities] said they will admit undergraduates who were enrolled at Louisiana and Mississippi universities that have been closed indefinitely by flood damage. Up to 100,000 students have been displaced according to the Association of American Universities.


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