September 08, 2005

Charles Adler: Is Race an Issue in New Orleans?

If ever there were a case for Conservative media simply for some media balance, this article is it. . . . but it is about more than that.

here and here

[. . . . ] Have you been buying into the lies of big media? Do you think they have been fair and balanced in showing you the real victims of the hurricane? Have they gone into the rural Louisiana an Mississippi and Alabama? Or are they focusing on New Orleans? Don't you that the Big Easy hasn't been a party town for most of its residents? Don't you know that the party ended for this low rent crowd a long time ago. Don't you know that a third of the peopel in the Big Slimy live in poverty? Don't you know how many of them are functionally illiterate and vote for rubes, morons and hustlers? [. . . . ]

Why is this familiar to Canadians? Can you?

Charles Adler: two videos


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