September 09, 2005

Bud Talkinghorn: Al Qaeda's Convicts, Katrina: Blame Game Contest, Conservative Issues

Al-Qaeda's new recruits--convicts

Recently the LA police and the FBI broke up a sleeper cell. It was composed of three black American Muslims and a Middle-Eastener. The Arab kid was a student at Santa Monica University. The blacks were ex-cons. They had detailed plans to blow-up synagoges and certain military targets. They financed their plans through hold-ups of convenience stores. In their twelth robbery the leader accidentally dropped his cell phone. From that the police tracked the cell down. In short, solved by a fluke.

These black gangsters claimed to be true believers, hence jihadis for the faith. The real Muslim follower had been recruited by the other three. They engaged in elaborate planning, even down to the high Jewish holidays, which would increase the fatalities.

This fanaticism was nurtured through prison visits from Wahhabi imams. They brought "the kill the infidel snakes" message to a mainly black group of garden variety thugs and people who already knew all about murder. The cons must be thinking, "Hell, now we can feel better about our murders, knowing that they were fulfilling Allah's wish". Through some legalistic manuever, these imams were allowed to preach this hate, to people who often have no stop signs. Well, I think the prison authorites had better get a handle on this soon. These prisoners are emotional loaded guns already, what we don't need is the heavy weaponry of religious nihilism as a creeping barrage behind them.

© Bud Talkinghorn, faith healer

Katrina gets invited to the Blame Game contest

Fingers are being furiously pointed in every direction. The hurricane did damage to more than the people of the Gulf States; it gored numerous politicians in Washington too. After endless broadsides from pundits of every ideological stripe, the simple truth of the matter is that the action goes bottom up. Only if the city asks for aid from the state will it be given. If the state can't handle it, they call on the Federal government. So the actions of Mayor Ron Naglin (?) were deficient from the beginning. He belatedly dumped tens of thousands of poor people in the Superdome with inadequate food, water, or even security. The buses that could have ferried them out to safey were allowed to drown in a cesspool. [photo on Radio Blogger] The city had even had a mock disaster exercise, which covered the exact situation that unfolded. But nothing was learned. The Mayor knew he was mainly culpable for the mess, so he decided to get his spin out first. The governor of Louisiana fumbled the ball too. She should have asked the Feds to take control. She refused to let the National Guard come under federal control, for some convoluted reason. Her finger soon followed the mayor's to point directly at FEMA and the Republicans. However, considering that they both had three days to understand the threat and put in emergency plans for a mass exodus, they weren't doing anything much for three days after the catastrophe.

The environmentalists have entered the fray to "prove" that federal neglect of the levees had created the havoc. Oh yes, and of course the global warming was the true villain. It had been ignored, so that is the punishment Bush deserves for his anti-Kyoto stance. The race card activists are beat this issue like a bass drum. Tune in tomorrow to The Blame Game--guaranteed to be lots of new contestants.

© Bud Talkinghorn

Conservative Issues

On Andrew Coyne's Take on the Conservative Party

Andrew Coyne, in The National Post (Wed, Sept, 7) took the Conservative Party to task over their wishy-washy policies. He saw them as hewing to the moderate-middle stance of all the other parties. This approach, by some preconceived definition, excludes any policies that will define our country for decades to come. Coyne doesn't give much credence to the issues of bilingualism, immigration or the death penalty. While I cannot support the death penalty, in light of the DNA evidence that shows so many wrongful executions, I certainly have lots of time to entertain immigration and bilingual concerns.

Mr. Coyne does his usual excellent work in pointing out other issues that could be the springboard to electoral victory, such as referenda and serious health care via a dual system.

However these issues don't have a serious impact on how Canada will look fifty years from now. Take immigration. What will affect a country the most, health care or the composition of the citizens who make up its citizenry? Our national best interests have been hobbled. We have been seduced by this absurd political correctness, which states all immigrant groups are equals in cultural compatibility and economic viability. Anybody who dares ask questions about what values should be the core of this future culture is slammed as "racist".

Presently, we see Ontario seriously considering sharia law courts--the thin edge of the ever-enlarging wedge--here in Canada. Its real application would offend about half The Charter of Rights. Since the Liberals swear to abide by that Charter, there should not even be a debate about this. I have met a few Muslim women and all of them hate Sharia law. It will be used in Canada to keep them second-class citizens. The real judges are the fathers and male relatives. What can you say about a religious law that states a woman's story of rape must be backed up by four male witnesses? Even being supported by four female witnesses is not evidence enough. In almost every avenue of life they will be disadvantaged. Marion Boyd, who agrees with its implementation, assures us that there will be legal oversight. Patent nonsense. The justice system of Toronto would grind to a stop if plea bargaining were abandoned as the main method of justice. Do you really think the Ontario justice system is going to investigate the sharia law decisions?

Now let us examine the bilingual issue. In the name of a Trudeaupian utopia, we were all going to be bilingual (like him of course) by the turn of the millenium. Oh, the joy of French cinema would be appreciated from Come-by-Chance to Tofino. All that whining for special treatment would disappear in Quebec. That was the dream and untold billions were spent to make that dream come true. It never did. The government has had to manipulate the success numbers to justify their billions more to be spent on it. However the reality is that even with French immersion schooling behind them, these supposedly-bilingual people cannot pass the civil service fluency tests. For some time, now, we have Liberal legislation which mandates that all applicants to the top positions must be fluently bilingual before they even apply. The vast over-representation of French Canadians in the government and civil service will only grow larger. Westerners will be effectively barred from having any significant representation in the National decision-making. Almost all the young anglo kids are leaving the "bilingual" province, NB. As part of Premier Frank McKenna's slimy Meech Lake deal, he got Bill 88 passed. This bill gives equal status for French with the majority English language. At the government / civil service levels the squeeze was put on the unilingual English-speakers. As their presence in the cities grew, the francophones started demanding French service in private businesses. Now in some stores an employee cannot even be a clerk unless he/she is bilingual. This exodus of the most promising anglo young will have terrible future implications for the province. This Trail of Tears will never be reported in the liberal/Liberal media, because it puts the lie to their bilingual Canada fantasies. All that it has really accomplished is to disenfranchise the Engish-speaking majority. It is interesting that the largest Conservative gain in the latest poll was in New Brunswick. In fact, there was a 6% approval gain in the Maritimes in general.

So I think Mr. Coyne was remiss in suggesting that the Conservative Party drop their interest in what he calls, "their traditional hobbyhorses". I fully agree with Coyne on the need to stand up for some principled initiatives. "Moderation" be d****d. I want to see the Conservatives put the spurs to those "hobbyhorses".

© Bud Talkinghorn


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