August 20, 2005

Worth Checking

There are several new posts this morning below this list, but I have commitments today so shall post little more. Do not miss John Thompson's article. Almost every day I check the following so I hope you will do the same.

Newsbeat1 -- Do not miss this post:

* Confession of an Iraqi terrorist-and to think there are those in the media and elsewhere that criticize President Bush while emboldening these swine

Barbarism personified. How can a man rape a woman because she worked for the Americans or she was a Kurd? Baffling! What is wrong with these men and their perverted ideas of sex anyway? Can you imagine giving up this life and becoming a jihadi for the idea of bedding a succession of virgins? Where's the proof there are any or that they would cotton on to a killer in Islamic paradise, anyway? Of course, even in their heaven, women probably have no choice. These guys need psychological help with their sexuality . . . or better yet, killing. Does any feeling for any woman enter into their minds or are women simply vessels for seed? Sick!

There are other good links on that site, as well as on Jack's Newswatch, Aug. 20, 05 -- examples

* Canadian diamonds lure mob

* Solberg: Alberta bound? Aug. 20, 05

Jack's Newswatch, Aug. 19, 05

* Russia Moved Iraqi WMDs

* Immigration: The Numbers Don't Lie

* Well Naturally It's A Swindle, But Of Whom?

Western Standard -- journalists, as opposed to MSM / Librano$ Propaganda Organ

The Shotgun -- some of the best bloggers around

Small Dead Animals -- the pithy Kate

Canada Free Press -- journalists who dig and write what the MSM journalists do not.

CNEWS and Toronto Sun -- perform a public service by making available so much content for unsubscribed readers across the country -- with some journalists who have been trying to alert Canadians to what they should realize has been happening.

Canadian Coalition for Democracies Forum -- Just check and you will find people who are on top of what is happening and who post really good articles and serious, thoughtful commentary.


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