August 20, 2005

Stephen Harper's Summer Tour -- a Rousing Success

A rousing success in Fredericton, NB. Fresh corn, hotdogs and great hamburgers barbequed by two men ably assisted by a bevy of volunteers and a crowd so large that many stood to eat and to listen to Stephen, Pat Lynch, the Fredericton candidate, and others. The little people are receptive and I think PM and Co. will be surprised.

The Sorry Centrist: re Harper's summer tour -- with comments

I also commented on that site and I've posted the comments below.

Please concentrate on the positive. The media love it when we concentrate on any negatives, no matter how slight. Get out and support the leader we have, a decent man who is the antithesis of the bafflegab and BS emanating from the one who runs Canada as a fiefdom.

One of the big positives for the Librano$ is convincing Conservatives of the idea that we must purge ourselves of any blue Tory ideas, i.e. family/church/even a God/social conservatism/traditional marriage, et cetera. Actually, we must let the electorate hear all ideas whether from the blue or the red end of the spectrum and let the people decide. I do not think we should be second guessing what will "work" based on what the Liberals and MSM tell us.

Let all ideas come forth and see what democracy brings. What a refreshing idea, democracy, instead of being told what to think.

As for Gurmant Grewel, why are people not questioning the fact that he has taken the flak but the PM, Ujjal Dosanj and Tim Murphy have been spared, in comparison. Also, why, based on what we hear on the tape, have the RCMP decided to end any investigation? It certainly sounded like buying votes to "the great unwashed"--me, for example. Question the force and see if they are able to explain how this was not a political decision. Make available to all of us their answers and the actual transcript. Let people judge for themselves for the election. I remember some lines that would be great election fodder. We should stop apologizing for Grewel's actions. If the PMO phoned me and I had a tape recorder, I would use it simply because, based on experience, I do not trust anyone in the PMO. I do not believe much I read in the mainstream media about Grewel's actions either.

Why aren't we questioning the MSM on why they haven't been investigating thoroughly the details surrounding the rise in violent/gun crime and criminal gangs (e.g. Hells, Asian/Vietnamese gangs etc, involved in drugs) -- why we are undermanned, underfunded and under secure. Support Stephen in publicizing what we would do about this situation.

Let's support the leader we have and stop niggling. Disabuse me of the idea that it is impossible for a decent, conservative family man possessed of so many excellent qualities to become PM -- especially when compared to Paul Martin, the PM of the BS, bafflegab and endless "priorities".


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