July 20, 2005

Native Blackmail, like Palestinian Terrorism, Works -- Immigration--Fixing the IRB

in Librano$ Heaven -- but then so does Bombardier's blackmail for jobs in PQ and the Irving blackmail of the poorer Eastern province, NB, for the same reason. (see below)

Canadian Taxpayers Pay Ransom To Free Mackenzie Pipeline Project July 20

First Nations receives $500 million of taxpayers money so the Mackenzie pipeline project can move forward.

Is it any wonder Canadians are getting fed up with the minority Liberal government. Ottawa has [. . . . ]

-- via Kate

Immigration--Fixing the IRB

If the IRB is the problem, then we have some ideas. If it is simply Lieberal vote buying politics as usual, turf the *&$%*&^ ! Is Ms. McLellan getting it yet?

Canadian Gypsy: Who's more ignorant about the threat of terrorism? Canadians? Naw, it's the Liberal government dammit! Monday, July 18 (http://crookedincanada.blogspot.com)

Re: "In my circle I encounter a lot of people who support detaining illegal immigrants, refugees or suspected terrorists for indefinite lengths of time, until they are no longer deemed a threat to national security."

I added this comment which I am cross-posting here.

Bang on! But, I would add to that.

I wouldn't wait and pay for their upkeep at taxpayers' expense until that last national threat bit for how would we know? I would kick them out as soon as they landed with no or false documents. I would add to the group any who prepare or facilitate the use of false documents, those who preach violent hatred in mosques and on the streets (e.g. Hyde Park), or who do not grant women equality (the sharia gang, the "peaceful" ones) -- and that is just for starters.

But, first, my IRB would not be composed of mostly Liberal "appointees" and "stakeholders".
Who do you suppose they will favour?

I think an IRB member should have to have been born here to be on the board -- maybe even include that the member's family must have been resident here for a few generations. It is too important to maintaining democracy and civilization as we have developed it in the West. Too many come here and want to make it into the h***h***s they emanated from. Too harsh? Who cares? It is my homeland, not theirs, until they have paid their dues . . . and paying dues does not mean voting Liberal for bringing in more of the same. FHTR

CNEWS: love this mention of Frost Hits the Rhubarb -- "Covenant of security"

Business as Usual in the UK Rachel Ehrenfeld, FrontPageMag, July 20, 05

While Prime Minister Tony Blair is condoning the “evil ideology” that produced last week’s bombings in London, and acknowledges that, “The extremist propaganda is cleverly aimed at their target audience,” the British allow Islamist publications, such as HAMAS’ Filisteen Almuslima (Muslim Palestine), to be published and distributed from London throughout the world.

You can see this hate-filled publication on its website www.fm-m.com. [. . . . ]

The UK’s new political will to fight Islamist terrorism should not be judged by the additional counter-terror laws they declared, but by their implementation.

Canada: implementation? That might interfere with votes for PM and claque.

New UK Bill Targets Inciting Terror

"The old generation came here from Pakistan to work and that is all we have ever done. The young ones . . . . "

Al Qaeda and the G8


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