June 14, 2005

Security #2


US Foreign Affairs: The Next Pandemic? -- Preview of a special section coming in the July/August issue of Foreign Affairs.

Peter Worthington

Is there something--a story or a reality--pushing to get out?


THROUGHOUT the 1970s, conspiracy buffs and others were obsessed with something called the "Featherbed file," supposedly compiled by the RCMP security service, alleging Soviet/communist links with high-level Canadian politicians -- especially prime ministers Pierre Trudeau and Lester Pearson.

It turned out that the Featherbed file existed but was never made public; neither espionage nor treasonous innuendo were ever proven. [. . . . ]

For those interested, a summary of the Sidewinder draft report is available online at jrnyquist.com/sidewinder.htm. [see below]

SIRC's reaction can be found online in its 1999-2000 annual report at sirc-csars.gc.ca/pdfs/ar1999-00_e.pdf. [see below]

Sidewinder Secret Draft Submission RCMP-CSIS Joint Review Committee J.R. Nyquist's Introduction

What follows is a draft report submitted by a joint committee of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on the Chinese subversion and penetration of Canada. [. . . . ]

Joint RCMP Study
Information as of
24 June 1997

Chinese Intelligence Services and Triads Financial Links in Canada

Draft Submitted to
the RCMP-CSIS Joint Review Committee [. . . . ]

Spy Network in Canada and Australia Jun. 12, 05 -- via Newsbeat1

Check here also for a post on China, Canada & Nuclear Reactor

Cold War No. 2 Peter Goodspeed, National Post, Jun. 13, 05 -- lengthy, detailed

Iran is at a crossroads. It is surrounded by U.S. allies, its economy is flat and much of the youthful population is demanding reform. On Friday, a new president will be elected in another effort to force change on the conservative mullahs who hold ultimate authority. In a five-part series that begins today, Peter Goodspeed examines the pressures pulling at the country and its people. [. . . ]

The drumbeat of war throbs in the background of Iranian politics. From the graffiti still visible on the walls of the old U.S. embassy in Tehran, declaring "USA is Great Evil," to the public appearances of ruling religious leaders who regularly denounce the West, Iran remains in a state of perpetual crisis.

The US and that 'other' axis Jephraim P Gundzik, Jun. 9, 05

Beijing's increasingly close ties with Moscow and Tehran will thwart Washington's foreign policy goal of expanding US security footholds in the Middle East, Central Asia and Asia. However, the primacy of economic stability will most likely prevent a proxy-style military confrontation, in Iran or North Korea, between China and the US.

Threat to 'axis of evil' unwinds in Baghdad [. . . . ]

Mexico's blind eye to al-Qaida activity -- Intel sources see porous border posing major terror threat to U.S.

Al-Qaida "communities," like the one busted in Lodi, Calif., have direct ties to other networks in Mexico and Central America, where jihadi terrorists are not viewed as a local threat, reports Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin. [. . . . ]

As one Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer familiar with the situation in Mexico said: "What’s the point of having old ladies remove their shoes at airport security checks, when all it takes to carry a small package of the potent ricin poison into the U.S. is a friendly Mexican jihadist escorting you on a dark moonless night across the porous U.S.-Mexican border." [. . . . ]

Previous stories:

Islam on march south of border
FBI chief warns of aliens from al-Qaida-tied nations
Al-Qaida runs own travel agency
Financial squeeze pushed al-Qaida south of the border
Al-Qaida south of the border?
Terrorist base south of the border
Terrorists active in U.S. 'backyard'
A Mexico cover-up of U.S. terrorist threats?
Defector: Chavez gave $1 million to al-Qaida

Search: Some documents found in Pakistan

There are links at wnd.com for all those articles.

The Fourth Conjecture Belmont Club

Item: a letter has been delivered to the Indonesian embassy in Canberra containing anthrax-related spores.

June 02, 2005 The Laws of War

June 6, 2005, The Sound of Silence

MIPT: Terrorism Knowledge Base

US: Homeland Security

Israeli Experts Teach Police On Terrorism -- Training Programs Prompt Policy Shifts Sari Horwitz, Washington Post Staff Writer, June 12, 2005

[. . . . ] Levy has been traveling across the United States with other Israeli security experts to share counterterrorism tactics with American law enforcement officials. They are briefing not only big-city cops but county sheriffs and police chiefs from such diverse locations as Gaithersburg and Knoxville, Tenn. In addition, since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, agents from the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives along with police officials, sheriffs and bomb technicians have been traveling to Israel for week-long lessons on terrorism. [. . . . ]

A must read article. Is there a report on what the Canadian police chiefs who went to Israel learned?

Iraq -- US Military

Do you want to hear from those who are actually there?
Battle for Mosul, Part III June 13, 2005.

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