June 10, 2005

National Marriage e-Referendum


Who Voted for Marriage on C-38?

Defend Marriage -- Act Now!

www.defendmarriage.ca -- National Marriage e-Referendum

[. . . .] Tens of thousands of Canadians have contacted the Prime Minister urging him to put the question of whether to legalize same sex marriage in Canada to a vote of the people under the Referendum Act of 1992. In fact, more than 45,000 of you have contacted him through our Defend Marriage Canada Project Web site alone.

But even with this outpouring of support, and even in the face of national opinion polls showing that a large majority of Canadians want this question put to a national referendum, >the Prime Minister stubbornly refuses to do so. Instead, he is doggedly trying to ram a bill through Parliament, Bill C-38, which would legalize same-sex marriage in Canada.

This is why we are launching the National Marriage e-Referendum to give every Canadian the opportunity to make their voice heard on this critically important issue.

The language of the referendum is simple: "Shall Parliament pass bill C-38 to legalize same-sex marriage in Canada?" It is posted on a special Web site, www.referendumcanada.org, and we have tried to make this site as neutral on the issue as possible. For those still undecided, we even provide links to Web pages of groups that have taken positions both for and against Bill C-38.

The results of the referendum will be provided to every MP before the third reading vote on C-38.

Time to act may be very short!
[. . . . ]

Hon. Dr. Grant Hill, P.C.
Coordinator, Defend Marriage Canada Project


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