June 07, 2005

Correction: May 9, 2005 Post

Correction: My apologies for neglecting to check . . . again.

Someone posted a correction to my post from May 9, 05 concerning the Aga Khan's receiving an Order of Canada honour -- GG & Order of Canada-Aga Khan & Paul Desmarais, Jr., Tax $$$ to Khan's 'centre for pluralism', Maurice Strong, Zenon, China, Kyoto, Coal, Info Control

Since these corrections did not show up in the week's compilation when I checked (Frost Hits the Rhubarb: May 8 - May 14, 2005), I am including the corrections and the dates when they were written here.


Anonymous said...

The Aga Khan is not from Pakistan, so there is now a missing link in your chain of connections.
June 03, 2005 9:47 AM
Anonymous said...

Thanks for the correction. I checked and he is from India. Think of the possibilities of that connection with Ismaili Muslims, India, immigration (fast tracking) and business. Note also that China and India have new agreements that might interest any Canadian businessmen involved in construction and . . . is it oil or gas . . . pipelines or terminals? Honouring the Aga Khan furthers a positive relationship with Muslims--perhaps just Ismaili Muslims--in India and throughout the Muslim world . . . and the business repercussions may be positive as well. NJC
June 07, 2005 6:53 AM

I still think there may be a connection, but it involves India, not Pakistan; however, the Ismaili Muslim connection can be transnational, and hence include Ismaili Muslims anywhere.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the above is not correct -- though I had checked--obviously in a cursory manner, or I was just plain stupid, for which I apologize. I made an unwarranted leap without checking exactly.

The latest information:


"[The Aga Khan] was born in Geneva. He spent his early childhood in Nairobi, Kenya, and then attended the Institute Le Rosey in Switzerland. He graduated from Harvard University in 1959 with a BA Honors Degree in Islamic history.

Early education included private tutoring, with Prince Sadruddin, by Mustafa Kamil, a scholar from Aligarh Muslim University engaged by his grandfather, Aga Khan III."

There is information on the Ismailis of which he is spiritual head: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismailis)

With a Google search, there appears to be little available online about the Aga Khan--at least in the first of the listings--other than what is there, courtesy of the Aga Khan Development Network. (http://www.akdn.org/)

* * * * *



"international responsibilities"

"effective internationalists"

"the growing perception of Canada as a "successful multiethnic society"

"support the efforts of Canadian diasporas to forge transnational political, economic and cultural links."

* * * * *

British Networks and the Brazilian Amazon -- (also references Maurice Strong and Louise Frechette of the UN)


"Television Trust for the Environment (TVE)"

". . . United Nations Environment Program. On the Council are the Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, head of the Groupe de Bellerive;. . . "

* * * * *

Islam and Muslims

"Because they were persecuted in Iran, they began to move to the Indian subcontinent during the 14th century"

"The Nizaris gradually made many changes to their beliefs due to their Indian surroundings . . . . Today it has a worldwide following, mostly consisting of businesspeople from the Indian subcontinent. The current Nizari Imam is the Aga Khan. Today there are about 20 million Khojas, with 2 million living in Pakistan."

* * * * *

Aga Khan gives £27m to Chantilly restoration

Jon Henley in Paris
Thursday March 3, 2005
The Guardian

"The Aga Khan is to donate €40m (£27.4m) of his fortune to help restore France's largest privately owned estate, which includes a park, a Renaissance chateau, a racecourse and the biggest classical art collection in the country outside the Louvre.

The billionaire businessman and racehorse owner, who is a British citizen, will provide more than half of a €70m fund set up with the French state, the Institut de France - which owns the magnificent but badly decayed Chantilly estate - and local authorities. . . .

The Aga Khan, 68, spiritual leader of the world's 15m Ismaili Muslims, has lived and stabled his horses on the nearby Aiglemont estate for years."

* * * * *


The Spirit Behind the Aga Khan Awards

By Linda Hales
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 27, 2004; Page C01

"As a direct descendant of the prophet Muhammad, the 67-year-old holds the hereditary title of 49th spiritual leader to an estimated 20 million Shiite Ismaili Muslims in 25 countries. In that role, he oversees a complex of Geneva-based trusts dedicated to education and development. . . .

Data on the 7,500 nominees and more than 85 winners since the inception of the awards [arcvhitecture] are being put online at www.archnet.org, the Web site of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard and MIT"

* * * * *


Aga Khan, Jet-Setting on a Higher Plane

By Linda Hales
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, January 26, 2005; Page C01

"Forbes magazine once described the Aga Khan as "venture capitalist to the Third World." The nerve center is his Aiglemont estate in France. From there, the Aga Khan operates a vast network of health, education and economic development projects, which aides call the world's largest private development agency. . . .

The Aga Khan seems to be more a man in the image of his grandfather, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan, who served as a president of the League of Nations in 1937. . . .

Over time, Ismailis moved to Syria, Persia and India as well as Africa. Now they reside across the Middle and Near East, especially in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa, Europe and North America. . . .

. . . 243 pounds of diamonds, much of which was turned over to investment trusts to benefit Ismailis, . . . .

[Besides his personal wealth, he administers] a business entity supported by tithes and investments."

* * * * *

Center On Values & Ethics

On that website are several links which might be worth pursuing.

Panelist, Vanishing Voices: Canadian Media and our Global Future, public seminar on future of Canadian foreign journalism sponsored by Aga Khan Foundation. . . "


"How the Scientist and Journalist Can Work Together to Improve Science Journalism"

"Ali Khan-presentation at Concordia University
Presentation / Apr 10, 2005 @ N/A / Montreal"

"CIDA Policy Branch: Business & Development Models"

"SEED Initiative"

Also, the Aga Khan Architectural award has been given for the design of a relatively inexpensive "earth dome" shelter -- so it might be instructive to research:

(http://www.sauvescholars.org/main.cfm?p=610&l=en) Architecture Guest Critic and Gaza Strip Project of Scholar Leila Farah

Scholar in the News -Ismaili Africa and Canada
Feature Profile / Dec 31, 2004

"Scholar Farouk Jiwa has been prominently featured in the December 2004 issue of 'Africa Ismaili', a quarterly magazine published and circulated among the 15 million Aga Khan Ismailis who live in Africa. The three-page feature with photos includes a detailed description of his organisation, Honey Care Africa, as well as his recent accomplishments. The article also mentions his selection to the Sauve Scholars Program."


"Special Working Group Meeting with World Bank
Meeting / Apr 23, 2005 @ / Washington D.C

Scholar Farouk Jiwa attended a Special Working Group meeting convened by the Grassroots Business Organisations (GBO) Department of the World Bank and International Finance Corporation at their heaquarters in Washington D.C. Among the issues discussed were the progress made in technical assistance provision support at the project level, and recent developments in socio-economic metrics, indicators and baseline surveys methodology."

To those I confused by inadequate research, I hope this helps. If anyone finds anything I omitted or anything else pertinent, please leave a comment.

NJC June 22, 2005

Wed Jun 22, 11:29:00 AM 2005  

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