May 08, 2005

Terrorism-Fateh Kemal, CIC-Elmasry, Global Jihad, Paradigm Shift

Terrorism: Fateh Kemal

On the doorstep of Islamist 'ringleader' -- Alleged Ressam ally says being called terrorist 'hurts' Stewart Bell, National Post, Apr. 28, 05

[. . . . ] Fateh Kemal, who returned to Canada in January after serving a prison sentence in France for his involvement in terrorist crimes . . . .

[. . . . ] French and Canadian intelligence authorities claim Kamel was "Moustapha," a Montreal-based "logistician" in the international Islamic extremist movement who supported the cause by supplying money and stolen passports and helping recruits travel to Bosnia to defend Muslims from Serbian troops. Investigators believe his cell, the Groupe Fateh Kamel, was affiliated with the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) and had ties to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda.

The Groupe Fateh Kamel's members were mostly North Africans
and included Muslim volunteers who had trained and fought in Afghanistan and Bosnia.

"Kamel was a key member of the international Islamist terrorist network of the mujahedeen, or holy warriors ... determined to strike the Western world order that they considered corrupt and immoral,'' according to a CSIS report. [. . . . ]

Worth reading.

Canadian Muslims deserve better

Canadian Muslims deserve better National Post, May 02, 2005

In the days following 9/11, the formerly obscure Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) made a name for itself with fiery denunciations of Israel, the United States and the war against terrorism. For a while, the group remained a media darling, eagerly sought out by Canadian journalists looking to report the Muslim point of view. But last year, the group was marginalized when its president, Mohamed Elmasry, declared his support for terrorist attacks against Israeli adults during a televised appearance. (His theory was that since many Israelis are subject to reserve army duty, they are all combatants.)

But the organization is still around. We know this because, like many journalists, we regularly receive the CIC's "Friday bulletins." These e-mail messages typically consist of [. . . . ]

Search: follows in the group's usual pattern , Israel Asper

Global Jihad, Paradigm Shift -- The Revolution Continues

Confronting the Global Jihad: Tucows of Toronto, Canada: doing their part to keep jihadist and terrorist domains alive via CCD and Israpundit

Paradigm Shift -- The Revolution Continues

The Revolution Continues -- It’s a different world than we’ve known April 20, 2005

Blessed be we, who live in exciting times. Not only are we participating in a global struggle against tyranny, but, if we look carefully enough, we can see the collapse of the conventional wisdom about the relationship between tyrannical rulers and their subjects. We're in the midst of a great paradigm shift, which, as any decent Hegelian will tell you, involves both a transformation of the world and of the way we understand it. In such rare times, both pundits and policymakers need to constantly challenge their own assumptions about the way the world works, because those assumptions age, along with the world they once described.

[. . . . Don't miss the part in the middle. ]

Five hundred years ago Machiavelli insisted that tyranny is the most unstable form of government, and he warned that the most dangerous development for any tyrant was the contempt of his own people. That dramatic tipping point is now very close in China, Iran, and North Korea. All that is required to get there is a steady flow of the truth from outside their borders, guidance for those who undertake the struggle against the tyrants, and constant reminders — backed up with modest action — that we are with them.


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