May 18, 2005

Hansard: May 17/05 -- Creativity Out of the West -- On Separation -- Political Blogs

Question Period - Hansard - May 17/05 via Newsbeat1

Mr. Stockwell Day (Okanagan—Coquihalla, CPC): Mr. Speaker, nobody else seems to know that Canada is talking to them. Darfur is one of the most dangerous places on earth.

Thousands of people have been murdered. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced. Women are being raped in a systematic way. We have now found out that the Canadians troops that are going there will be unarmed. The regime has said that they are not allowed to enter with the ability to protect themselves.

Did the Prime Minister know that our troops were going there unarmed when he made this announcement on Thursday? If that is not true, again, why the confusion? Why is the regime saying nobody is entering there with arms?

Out of the West: Ideas

Read Libranos and MSM business model at work. Snippets from the CBC peanut gallery:

Via Newsbeat1 and Small Dead Animals

Belinda [Stronach's] recent interview with The Globe and Mail on May 3, 05

She's very supportive of Stephen in what he's doing. She believes the budget is flawed, she's appalled by the politics of the government, the way they manipulate the budget process. posted by Adam Daifallah, May 17, 05


Librano Sloganator via Kate McMillan on Western Standard

One suggestion made is that we "plaster these all over Liberal election signs".

Go to the Western Standard Shotgun or to Small Dead Animals and create your own.

"buying a corrupt Canada one bribe at a time....what's your price?...let us make an offer." WL Mackenzie Redux, May 17, 2005

Belinda Stronach: "Paris Hilton of Canadian Politics"

Tony Clement's line "She's Paul Martin in a cocktail dress!" Ezra Levant on May 17, 2005

Via Western Standard Shotgun -- Best lines on the occasion of . . .

You've Got to Pick a Pocket or Two

Inspired by a Newsbeat 1 post, Paul Martin "The Librano Tsunami Fraud" , I humbly suggest these slogans:

* Librano$ Tsunami Fraud

* Daddy & Machiavelli would be proud!

* Keith Martin, Scott Brison, Belinda Stronach Rejected as CPC Leaders . . . .Good Liberals All

* PM & Belinda: Same Loyalty Genes

On separation -- out of the West by jetson on the Western Standard, May 17, 05.

This is exactly what I expected the West to feel. Paul and Belinda, you will go down in history.

You know now that I think back through my life in this country all I have been fed is how great Canada is and how evil anyone is that would want to break a country apart. Who the hell says that this version of Canada is the best, except of course the Liberals who owe their jobs and envelopes of cash to Canada.

Its time that we had our own political system, our own control over our social policies, and our own separate state. We are as much different than [sic] Easterners as Quebec is of [sic] the rest of Canada.

Revival of political public may depend on blogs By Val Sears -- For the Ottawa Sun, May 17, 05

With so many Canadians apparently believing that the Liberals are a bunch of thieves and bandits, the Conservative party not a party at all but a collection of special interest groups and the NDP simply overpaid social workers, it seems likely the voter turnout in the next election will be the lowest in history.

This would seem to favour the Conservatives given that the antis -- anti-abortion, anti-same sex marriage, anti-gun registry, anti-whatever -- are passionate people and more likely than the rest of us slobs to get out and vote. [. . . . ]

With the MSM already bought by the Librano$, blogging is the only media outlet conservatives have, for the most part.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bang on!

Wed May 18, 08:56:00 PM 2005  

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