May 17, 2005

Belinda Stronach--Queen of Political Opportunism, Tax Haven Mavens, & More from the Frosty Cynic

Democracy has been bought again. First, there was that weasel Scott Brison running for the Conservative Party leadership; then when he lost, he picked up his toys and crossed the floor for political gain, to join the Liberal Government and Party that he had claimed was led by "Genghis Khan".

Now Canadians have to listen to this traitorous woman who had accused the Liberal Party of every conceivable excess of arrogance, fiscal mismanagement, and outright fraud. She will, of course, be given a huge political elevation, as a Cabinet member, to "salve her painful soul-searching in making such a move". Martin is ready to boot aside his colleagues' hopes for her new post to win this vote.

As a final bitter joke, Martin has given her the extra position of--try to stifle your laughs--"the advancment of democratic reforms in the governance of Canada". First, Martin ran around the country scattering slush money to every province, now he is into buying the opposition members. As well, Paul Martin has just this morning had the effrontery to suggest that this ideological betrayal by Stronach was not orchestrated to win the no-confidence vote. Thankfully, the reporters en masse broke into raucous hoots at this naked lie. As one of them asked of Stronach, "If this was purely a personal disagreement with the Conservative ideology, why didn't you cross over as a mere Liberal backbencher?" She stumbled over that question, because there was no reasonable answer, except sheer opportunism. Despite Ms. Stronach's arduous promises to help correct the Liberals' "democratic deficit", she has only helped further it. Shameful.

Scott Brison's betrayal was more logical. Like so many homosexuals I have known, his sexual identity seems to be the core driving force of his existence--life lived through a gay filter, if you like. The Conservatives were not about to advance his agenda, so he was willing (for a price, of course) to switch to a party that was. Stronach's rationale might be more baffling--to some, although Stephen Harper may have given the reason. He stated that he could see that Stronach had political ambitions, possibly for the leadership itself. That wasn't going to happen. He also refuted Belinda's statement that he heard about her turncoat move first by her. Rather, he said that he first heard about it from Peter MacKay, who is crushed by her defection, so it has been reported. Here we have a woman who consistently accused the Liberals of undermining business in Canada--herself a plutocrat--now suddenly reversing her opinion. Small wonder that Joe Public believes that politians have a credibility level below that of used car salesmen. Her proclaiming that she won't support a party that allows the the Bloc Quebeois to advance, is absurd. No party has advanced that party more than the Liberals' scurrilous behaviour in Quebec. Cynicism about politics is now total.

Bud Talkinghorn--Stephen Harper had the last word: "There is no grand principle involved her decision; it was pure personal ambition."

Commentary, Background and Predictions

There is a possibility that the West will split off from Canada; they have effectively been disenfranchised from participation in real governing by a cabal of moneyed interests from the centre of the Canadian world, abetted by self-interest from the East. Maritimers don't yet realize that it serves the Liberals and the Centre to keep them bent low in servitude for the money they get.

Liberal methods, particularly in the Maritimes but not limited to the Maritimes, range over the following -- and undoubtedly many more:

* Employment Insurance gerrymandering by playing one area off against another even within one province so as to split voting between groups and parties. This method has endless variations all related to "initiatives" and government control of who gets what for stooping low -- or lower.

* Short term contracts / jobs -- the way of the world Down East

* ACOA grants to friends and supporters -- e.g. foundations pay for workshops, conferences, groups meeting at local universities for supporters,

* Student grants for research (See June 24, News Junkie Canada for one example having to do with ACOA or Technology Partnerships Canada and developing gambling software. Ho Ho Ho, as Stanley Ho, immigrant businessman and now Canadian, must be saying today. Originally, he earned his millions or is it billions as gambling czar of Macau .)

* Playing Red against Blue Tories, in any number of ways, so as to maintain corrupt Liberal regimes. Language has been one of the more effective ones because jobs are tied to whether one speaks the language of power; you figure it out.

* Don't ever underestimate the naivete of people from the boondocks of Canada who desire to be photographed with, whose complaints can be papered over and who will be quieted down--even satisfied--by rubbing shoulders with power. Da Boss Paul Martin, ex-Capo Jean Chretien and their ilk know this.

People like Belinda are rewarded with even more clout for lack of principles -- and of course, Stronach's business connections will not suffer unduly, nor monetarily. Watch for Magna to win . . . . in some way. Remember, Daddy Frank Stronach ran for the Liberal Party. I suspect Daddy is proud. Is Paul Martin's father proud, as well?

The East: will it be bought again? . . . . This time because of the Atlantic Accord which is of dubious value to Maritimers anyway, that is, the Maritimers who need jobs because they're not on the gravy train of the government. If so, how short-sighted and how sad.

There is just a faint hope that Quebeckers will see the Stronach move for the cynical moneyed ploy that I think it is . . . . . and they will massively reject the Liberals. To the best of Quebeckers, think.

Stronach's interests were evident at the time of her entry into the CPC leadership. All she needed was to see an end to governing as the Liberals and Moneyed Interests know it . . . . . and tribal affiliations would kick in.

The Gay Marriage Red Herring which will be played by MSM / LPO-CBC and the Liberal Corruptos of PM and JC

As for gay marriage, it is a red herring, designed to be trotted out whenever PM Paul Martin, the Liberals and their MSM / LPO / CBC minions need to draw attention away from the cynicism and corruption of MONEY and LIBERAL alliances. Stephen Harper's desire to let the House of Commons MP's decide contentious social issues, among many items, would upset the tradition of power and control from the moneyed centre, where it is easily harnessed if true democracy might break out.

Note those and their dependents who would support the status quo:

* Paul Martin (Research a bit and note his weak position that might be exposed.) and his predecessor Jean Chretien (he of the APEC, spiked Sidewinder Report, other corruptions era -- and that is just what we know at this point. Then dig into PWGSC / Public Works and Government Services Canada for a really big department which needs the light of day, particularly into its contracting and sales.

* The PMO, filled with Earnscliffe cronies--those who helped shiv-in-the-back-Martin fulfil Paul Martin's--or his Daddy's--ambitions by finding those who would do the dirty work of sticking the knife in to replace candidates (BC, for example) in order to defeat Jean Chretien

* Unprincipled Liberal lackeys who have been so brain washed they cannot imagine democracy (Not all Liberals are unprincipled, one must keep reminding oneself.)

* Mainstream media (MSM) hangers on who depend on Canadians' money for their jobs, so they have become the Liberal Propaganda Organs; CBC comes to mind.

* Those who contract with this government and therefore fear uncertainty (They have to know who to pay off, after all.)

* Recipients of Canadians' tax money via noblesse oblige from the PMO -- beneficiaries of Crown Corporations, agencies such as ACOA and foundations grants and probably some other groups that would fit in here that I have forgotten.

* The crooks who know that their staying out of jail depends upon keeping Paul Martin in office -- and the electorate anaesthetized in myriad ways. (That topic deserves another post.)

* Favoured groups who have nothing to gain but favours if the money spigot keeps spouting -- Make up your own list here but, for me, NGO's who get those world trips on globablization and the environment, women's issues, CIDA grant recipients who get to travel first class around the globe . . . . . and the like.

This is not the definitive list, but off the top of my head in a hurry, it may cause to make up your own.

"Liberal" Belinda Stronach Related

How Have Liberals Gained Control of the Hoi Polloi for So Many Years? News Junkie Canada, March 14, 2004

Brian Mulroney, Mike Harris, Bill Davis: What is the Common Denominator in Their Support for Belinda? Magna? -- News Junkie Canada, March 14, 2004

$$$ May Not Bring You Love, but This is a Great Second Best -- Ms. Stronach has criticized high taxes and promised to make Canada the most competitive tax jurisdiction in the world. News Junkie Canada, March 4, 2004

Frank Stronach shelters $198M from taxman, Conservatives have slammed Martin for comparable tactics, Robert Fife, Ottawa Bureau Chief, Mar. 3, 04

OTTAWA - Frank Stronach has avoided paying Canadian income tax on almost $200-million of compensation and fees since 1994, corporate figures show. [His residence is in Switzerland, I have read. NJC]

[. . . . ] Canadians can escape taxes if they set up their principal residence in tax havens, such as Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Barbados.

[. . . . ] Since she resigned as CEO of Magna to run for the Conservative leadership, Belinda Stronach has not directly attacked CSL's tax avoidance strategy nor has she defended the use of tax havens to escape paying taxes at home.

On the campaign trial, Ms. Stronach has criticized high taxes and promised to make Canada the most competitive tax jurisdiction in the world. She would eliminate the tax on capital investment and decrease personal and corporate tax rates. [. . . . ]

I have copied this last one here because it was so precient. I have been a cynic a long time.

The Frosty Cynic, NJC


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