May 16, 2005

Why the Liberals are hanging on to a Thursday vote

The Liberals were shocked, yes shocked, to hear Harper claim that the Thursday date for a no-confidence vote was rigged to exclude two sick Conservatives. "No," they exclaimed, "It had nothing to do with two cancer-stricken Tories. How could the Tories stoop so low as to suggest it?" Well, if you believe Warren Kinsella, it is easy to believe. Kinsella wrote in The National Post (May 13, 05) that he nearly resigned from the Liberal Party. In 2002, Martin's party machine in BC took over Herb Dhaliwal's riding, while Dhaliwal was out of the country and his wife was dying of cancer. Those responsible for this act of treachery to one of their own--a former Cabinet minister--are Martin's trusted advisors today. As Kinsella says, "I have witnessed a lot of political thuggery, but I have never before seen anything as disgusting as that." So, are we to be "shocked" that the Liberals would do the same to two political rivals?

© Bud Talkinghorn

My Perspective:

This morning I heard our mendacious PM use his pork photo op and daycare deal announcement in Nova Scotia to make a partisan election speech decrying the behaviour in the House -- wink, wink, nudge, nudge -- it's all the Conservatives' fault. The man who hardly graced the House of Commons while questions were being asked arising from the Gomery Inquiry now is calling for the Conservatives to join him in improving the tenor of debate in the House. Paul Martin was actually attempting to pin the blame for the breakdown in Parliament on the Conservatives rather than on the corruption of the Liberals.

Even the Governor General just upped the $$$ value of the ADSCAM and other corruption; check for the stories on that.

The PM is so deficient in honour. He diminishes the office; he will go down as one of our worst Prime Ministers, I suspect. Blatantly un-Prime Ministerial!

PS: PM is veering close to chunder-causing if I hear that unctuous voice show "very very great concern" about every topic again -- the man who did nothing to fix the democratic deficit, among other sins of omission, or is it commission.


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