May 31, 2005

Bud Talkinghorn--The Red Cross & Aids Victims: Blood Money--a bloody disgrace

Natives shake down the Prime Pinata -- Compensation for the residential school Indians vs that for the AIDS victims, thousands killed by bad blood

The gross inequality of compensation for the two sets of victims boggles the mind. On the same day Canadians hear that the Federal government is going to make a blanket pay-out of:

* three to four billion ($$$ 3-4-BILLION) Canadian taxpayers must pay to those who were forced to go to school, some of whom were abused, then Canadians hear of the

* $5,000 fine ($$$ 5-THOUSAND) and $1.5 million fund to infected students that the Red Cross must pay.

Originally, the government was going to pay money only to those natives who could prove they were abused sexually or physically. Now, however, it is going to pay everybody who attended a residential school--all 87,000 survivors.

Supposedly, according to the Assembly of First Nations, not keeping the native kids in woeful ignorance back in their isolated reserves has destroyed their self-esteem and robbed them of their culture. Phil Fontaine has gone as far as to lay the crippling pathologies of today's natives on this doorstep. The Liberals, fronted by Hysterical Annie Mclellan, agreed to pay "reconciliation" billions. Mr. Fontaine called it a "healing moment". However, lest the Liberals get too warm and fuzzy over this deal, Fontaine did warn that there were many more demands in the offing. The AFN knows a pinata when they see one.

The certifiably damaged (or dead) victims of the Red Cross blood scandal have had to wait for 20 years to receive an apology and a pittance in monetary compensation. The Liberals know that the dead can't vote (except in certain ridings) and the deathly ill are not good at lobbying; therefore they can be ignored as an electoral threat. They also don't take to barricading major highways to make their point, whereas the aboriginals have perfected that method.

Having been turfed from Cabinet once, Minister of Indian Affairs, Andy Scott doesn't need any bad optics. If he can just trot out the old "Canadians are a compassionate and unprejudiced people" line, the voters will forget about the billions squandered by election time--hopefully, many moons down the road. With luck, maybe a lot of those bitter transfusion victims will have croaked by then. A true Liberal "win-win" situation.

© Bud Talkinghorn

What about a wife or husband's loss, and that of children who lost fathers?

It was criminal neglegence on the part of the Red Cross, along with political correctness in not refusing to take the blood from that group who were most likely to have AIDS and thus to pass it along through the blood system if their blood was accepted. They put all Canadians at risk and they got away with it, basically.

Why has the Minister of Native Pork, Andy Scott, not done something about the glue-sniffing and the neglectful parents of the afflicted children in Labrador, along with the drug element which has hit the area? Aside from the myriad problems in Newfoundland Labrador, the same thing is being played out with perhaps a variation in the drug of choice or alcohol causing the damage on native reserves across Canada.

Were there any natives who simply received a decent education, regular meals and a decent warm residence? Were there NONE? If not, since I am not reading articles in the mainstream media about these or from these, WHY would you want to put your children in anything run by government? Daycare? Think of the potential for lawsuits down the road. Of course, I'm still waiting for one of the products of Canada's "self-esteem factories" to twig . . . to the reality of

those wonderful institutions where a student may graduate from high school without adequate basic knowledge (jacked up marks don't count), thinking skills or much else . . . but will be termed a 'success' because the student is so full of self-esteem and the requisite Liberal / liberal blather about the wonders of 'multiculturalism', 'diversity', the health care system, the 'caring' and 'progressive' . . .

When are they going to twig to this new method of shaking down the Prime Pinata?

I'm not a native; I was forced to go to school too. I even got strapped. Which lineup? Or is there a lineup for me and all the Canadian kids who were forced to endure school?

This was overheard -- it came from an unemployed 'student' who does not work in a call centre and needs the money.



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