May 23, 2004

Run for Your Lives! -- Hang onto your wallets -- Paul Martin's on the prowl!

Much work has gone into this one. Do link.

Hang onto your wallets -- Paul Martin's on the prowl!


I didn't think he'd do it. Against the best advice of concerned Liberals everywhere Paul Martin dropped the writ today and gave voters a chance to express their approval of him and his government. It should get very interesting.

I listened to his speech outside Rideau Hall and found a dozen spots where he is going to be in huge difficulty very shortly. This guy is really asking for it. I also noted all the airtime given to Liberal pundits by the CBC and CTV as opposed to their opponents. I suppose that's because it's Paul Martin. ("Here's a minute for you and I'll take ten. Now here's another minute for you and another ten for me. Isn't this fair?")

Quebec and Ontario (not to mention B.C.and Alberta) are hopping mad at Liberals right now. I can't see that subsiding any time soon with Harper and crew continually stirring the pot. It's only going to go downhill from here for Paul.


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