May 23, 2004

Bill Whittle: Eject Eject Eject -- STRENGTH, Parts 1 & 2

Skip the rest of this post and go now to STRENGTH (part 1) and to STRENGTH (part 2) or, if you still need convincing that you really should read the whole of this lengthy, informative, persuasive article at Eject Eject Eject, read on for the three excerpts; then go. Note that this is from a forthcoming book by Bill Whittle

[. . . . ] This is the final essay in a collection called SILENT AMERICA. The others are on the right-hand sidebar, with the earliest on the bottom and the most recent at the top.

They will be printed and available for sale as a book within a few weeks. But every word in the book will remain here, for free.
[from the introduction]

First of all, let’s start this little journey by mentioning The Gloom. Fallujah. Abu Ghraib. Bodies hanging on bridges. Prisoners standing on boxes.
Listen troops, let’s get this straight right off the bat: it’s only a catastrophe. It’s nothing more than a major disaster. I’m not being cynical, or arch, or “ironic.” I am deadly serious.

We have seen two months of what looks like non-stop catastrophe, and we will see more, and maybe worse, before we are through. Here is my well-reasoned, historically researched, deeply nuanced opinion: Tough shit. This war will be over when we say it is over, and not a second before.

[. . . . ] To those who claim that Islamist terrorists do not pose a direct, immediate and potent threat to the United States, I would like to condense the next four thousand words of this argument thusly:

One of the most vilified people on the internet right now is Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs. It is the only website that I will check at least twice a day. [. . . . ]

What does matter is what Little Green Footballs does on a daily basis. Charles Johnson does not sit down and write five essays a day on why he thinks Radical Islam is a deranged and poisonous and growing Death Cult. Charles simply links to newspaper articles, usually from Arab and Islamist sources like Arab News and Reuters, that show without question that Radical Islam is calling, daily and nightly, for the destruction of the West, the murder, enslavement or conversion of its citizens, and the establishment of a world-wide Caliphate where Shariah – Islamic Law – is the only law.

This is not his opinion. This is not the opinion of Western editorial writers. This is a filter (and of course it’s a filter – that’s why it is useful) that looks at Islamist thinking and behavior daily and shows what Islamists are saying and doing in their own words.

[. . . . ] Radical Islam is a religious cult based on constant, never-ending warfare. I personally am aware of no other religious tracts that are as filled with page after page of conquest, strategy and military jargon. Islam rose to prominence under the sword, and the Prophet was, above all else, a military commander determined to spread his faith by conquest and enslavement. Islam has rules for when prisoners should be released, ransomed, sold into slavery or have their throats cut. As a matter of fact, Islam has rules for everything. What to eat, how to wash, where and when and in which direction to pray. Islam has rules for the treatment of animals and the treatment of women. There is no part of daily life that is not specifically addressed, sanctioned or outlawed by Islam.

And contrary to post 9/11 spin, the most accurate translation of Islam is not “peace.” Prior to 9/11, the universally accepted translation of the concept of Islam was “submission.”
[. . . . ]

The article is simply excellent. You might find it worthwhile to check out Little Green Footballs often, as well.


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