February 28, 2006

China & Spying, Lobbyists, Security Min. Day, "Peacekeeping"

Terry O'Neill: The trouble with lobbyists

Search: Dingwall, US, Jack Abramoff, Paul Martin, David Dingwall, Kim Doran (gun registry), 2149 in-house lobbyists for 366 non-profit organizations ... , 1622 lobbyists, 244 corporations, "599 consultants representing 2085 projects or interests", Democracy Watch, Deb Gray, Sarmite Bulte, Lisa Frulla, Ottawa law professor Michael Geist, five-year "cooling off" period, John Chenier, Lobby Monitor

The conclusion is not exactly what you might expect.

Who's scary again?

[. . . . ] Espionage: Just this past summer, Hao Fengjun, the former official in the anti-Falun Gong 610 office who defected to Australia, revealed a Communist spy network in the Great White North that "he estimated as numbering 1000 agents" (Epoch Times). A former Canadian intelligence official estimated the economic damage to Canada at nearly $1 billion a month (CTV). However, another critical part of the espionage operation is to conduct chilling surveillance [. . . . ]


Infiltration into Canadian resources:
Forced repatriation of at least one Falun Gong practitioner to Communist China:
Head tax money goes to Communist-sympathizing group:

Our Minister for Public Security

Minister Stockwell Day has his head screwed on right; in fact, he's been a good MP though the mainstream media, particularly CBC, would never admit it -- too busy politicking for Liberals (Watch for Paul Martin to pop out of the woodwork again -- if only they would ask.). What a joke for a news organization CBC is!

Canadian MP Speaks at the Future of Communism in China Conference Held at the University of Toronto, May 20, 2005, Stockwell Day, M.P, May 25, 05

[....] Incidentally: while so many of our businessmen are wringing their hands at the thought that we could alienate the government of China by raising the matter of human rights and other matters that should concern us (the use of slave labour, for instance)—that being "provocative" in this way would somehow cause the PRC to take up its marbles and go home—the best-informed economists are sketching an opposite scenario: namely, that we have offered far too many hostages to the rhetoric of the ever-booming economy. Chinese official statistics (there are no other kind) should not be trusted, any more than the facts and figures offered by such earlier command economies (the Soviet Union, for example) ought to have been trusted. If, as the advocates of trade with China suggest, we cannot risk raising human rights issues for fear of seeing our share of this Cinderella economy diminish, then, maybe, as I see it, we are doing the business community a kindness by reminding them that in the long haul our efforts to provoke China in the direction of democracy and limited government and free enterprise and respect for human liberties will contribute to the soundness of the Chinese economy.

* * *

I am a firm believer in freedom of trade. I also believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to own property, and the freedom to be enterprising.

When we stand up and speak up for human rights and individual freedoms we advance the hopes for a prosperous future of all people.

When we remain silent in the face of tyranny and repression we prolong poverty and human misery.

The courageous former leader of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel, said: "It is suicidal to draw on… the idea that evil must be appeased and that the best way to achieve peace is through indifference to the freedom of others. Just the opposite is true."

Ladies and gentlemen, you have my pledge that I will never be indifferent to the freedom of others, whether in China or anywhere.

I will work with you in advancing the great cause of freedom and democracy everywhere.

Americans make war, Canadians keep the peace -- with comments Feb. 28, 06, Darcey, Shotgun -- trackback

Read also all of the comment from ET:

[. . . . ] Canada has to move itself out of Trudeau's Fictional World...


Get some perspective on life -- thanks to a friend for this -- keep 'em coming.


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