November 29, 2005

Human Smuggling into Canada

Today Tom Axworthy published an article (National Post, editorial page)on how the government(s) have been remiss on human smuggling which has reached proportions far in excess of the slave trade of the past into the southern US.

Halifax -- false Korean passports -- claiming refugee status -- sex or drug trades

On Sept. 9, 17 Chinese citizens carrying false South Korean passports walked off the Royal Caribbean liner Jewel of the Seas when it docked in Halifax after a transAtlantic voyage.

[. . . . ] train to Toronto.

[. . . . ] authorities didn't find out about the train trip until after the Chinese passengers had reached Toronto.

All have since disappeared. [. . . . ]


four other Chinese citizens, also with false Korean passports
claiming refugee status
a persecuted member of Falun Gong

I just had an aha! moment. I wondered why my site gets visits from South Korea since I do not write on Korea normally.

Colin Wright: Trafficking in humans reaches $10-billion level 24 hours

While celebrating the fact that, as of last week, trafficking in humans has been included in the Canadian Criminal Code through Bill C49, speakers at the workshop decried the fact that Canadian legislation still does not provide for the protection of trafficked persons; a contradiction of other international instruments to which Canada is a signatory. [. . . . ]


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