October 10, 2005

Turkey, the EU, Religion of Peace

Turkey's Past

Some historical perspective on Turkey, as the European Union prepares to admit this Islamic nation into their borderless commonwealth: Turkey: From Failed Reforms to a Modern Jihad Genocide -- link below

Comments with this which are worth checking:

#6 rosh 10/9/2005 07:31PM PDT

#26 M. Bensson-Levi 10/9/2005 08:16PM PDT

There is one hope of salvation for Islam: the wireless internet. Uncensored information. Unfiltered Truth, has the power to free those oppressed under Islam, but doing so would inevitably lead to the modification of Islam, to the point that that which is Islam today, will no longer exist. One way or another, it's the survival of Islam, or the other cultures of the world. Islam, as it has been for some 1400 years, is incompatible with every other culture.

#35 Havoc 10/9/2005 09:18PM PDT

#39 abolitionist 10/9/2005 10:13PM PDT

My subject this evening is: Myths and Politics: Origin of the Myth of a Tolerant Pluralistic Islamic Society. I stress the world "Tolerant", which was omitted from the program.

Bat Ye'or summarized her talk thusly:

[. . . . ] To simplify it: The super power of the 19th century, Great Britain, waged a "space game" with the other potential super power: Russia. Where interests of the two crossed was - Balkans (then under Turkish occupation).

It would be most natural that Russia should have the influence in the the area. Most of the subdued Balkan nations (Serbs, Greeks, Rumanians, Bulgarians) are Eastern Orthodox - like Russians. That did not fit British interests. That is how Britain allied itself with Turkey and invented the myth of the Muslim tolerance. [. . . . ]

The Article in question from The American Thinker: Turkey: From Failed Reforms to a Modern Jihad Genocide October 8th, 2005

Turkey’s ardent desire to enter the European Union may be fulfilled in the near future. As Europe grapples with the prospect of admitting an Islamic nation with a fast-growing population into the borderless would-be superstate, the claim is being made that Turkey’s history is one of relative tolerance. Europeans are instructed not to worry. This is the third in a three-part series examining the history of Turkey’s “tolerant” version of Islam. Part 1 may be found here, and Part 2 here. [See The American Thinker for these links.] [. . . . ]

Search: No genuine equality was ever attained , Muslim society has not yet broken with , Erdogan's efforts to

Detailed and documented -- worth reading.

This Week in Islam Weekly Column for (10/10/05) via Jihad Death Count

While Indonesian courts busied themselves with trying to decide the length of a prison sentence for three Sunday school teachers last month, Islamists were apparently planning the next Bali bombing. And why shouldn’t they? Indonesian courts seem to have a soft spot for Muslim bombers that doesn’t extend to those outside their “religion of peace.”

[. . . . ] To summarize: Three years for teaching Sunday school, twenty years for transporting nine pounds of pot… and two and a half years for successfully conspiring to kill hundreds of innocents. Now there’s a religion that’s got its priorities straight! [. . . . ]

Scroll down to the bottom or search "Are you burning with the Peace of Islam?"


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