August 23, 2005

Rejection of Materialism -- Leftists, Family, Freedom & More

The rejection of materialism (Part XXI) Dennis Prager, August 23, 2005

Have you not wondered "why the materialist leftist world so often celebrated and continues to celebrate communist regimes"?

[. . . . ] The Left regards itself as morally elevated because of its preoccupation with materialism. Yet religious Americans who reject materialism are far more likely than left-leaning parents in the same socio-economic condition to sacrifice materially in order to have one parent be a full-time parent. And Judeo-Christian values explain why a religious woman is far more likely to sacrifice materially by giving birth to, rather than aborting, an unplanned child.

Even freedom is a higher value to one who holds Judeo-Christian values. [. . . . ]

Freedom, too, has no material value.


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