July 15, 2005

Bud Talkinghorn: UK Muslim Terrorists, CBC's Bias, Pro-Commie T-Shirts

Let Britain be a lesson to us

BBC revealed that four British-Muslims have been arrested in connection with the london bombings. In a further examination of what has been transpiring in England over the last few years, it did not come as a surprise. From the shoe bomber Richard Reid to the leader of the group that beheaded Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, there have been a scary number of British al-Qaeda terrorists. The latter was no loser, but rather a graduate of the prestigious London School of Economics.

As one moderate English imam stated, "The British have blinded themselves to the fanaticism that has developed in the mosques over the years." For his attempts at integration he was assaulted in his own mosque and has been threatened with death. He might also have mentioned the frequent hate-fuelled 'protests' by these radicals, openly staged in London's squares and parks. While Bobbies calmly looked on, they have called for assassinations of British politicians and the forced Islamification of their infidel countrymen. It is impossible to say if Blair's Labour party, with its pro-immigrant / refugee stance, has aided this open rebellion. However, I think that Margaret Thatcher's government would have reacted more forcefully to quash this open treason. The moderate imam also mentioned that the fundamentalists have invaded most mosques across Britain and the moderate Muslim voices have been sidelined. He feels that something has to be done, and soon, or a large fifth column of extremists will be feel emboldened to wage jihad within Britain.

That no concessions will placate these fanatics can be seen in today's terrorist attacks in Israel. Here Sharon is putting his career on the line by uprooting the Jewish settlements in Gaza. This was one of the key demands that Hamas and Islamic Jihad have repeatedly made. As another appeasement, the Israelis have called a moratorium on 'targeted killings' of top extremists. Still, there was a double-barrelled suicide attack on Israel. Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, has done nothing about reigning in these terrorists. In reality, he cannot even control the al-Asqa faction in his own Fatah movement, let alone the other extremist groups. This is in part due to the endless hate propaganda that flows out of the Palestinian schools and mosques. To let this similar cancer spread into the birthplace of democracy is totally unacceptable. Drastic action is called for. Tony Blair talks about new laws to fight terrorism. He would be wise to start with crushing his homegrown nihilists.

We still have time in Canada to forstall a scenario akin to Britain's. Does our mushy Liberal government have the backbone to confront this looming threat, or will their failure mark their ultimate democratic deficit?

© Bud Talkinghorn

CBC and its biased viewer imput

Mark Bernier, in a letter to the editor of the National Post (July 14) exposes what I always expected. He mentions how all the caller responses to Cross Canada Checkup are screened for their position on the question of the day. If the question on Kathleen Petty's TV call-in is too 'sensitive', then she allows some selected caller to hog the show and keep the ideologically pure response uppermost. If by chance, some caller gets through with an overly negative attitude to, say our woeful 'refugee' acceptance, then she has no compunction about cutting him off. Equally suspicious are the man-on-the-street interviews. CBC either records a dozen and then winnows out what they don't want aired, or they select people who look as though they hold leftist viewpoints, i.e, some old boho with a beard and earrings, who is riding a mountain bike, or Ms. Mao, who just happens to be a sociology prof. Any way you cut it, the result is a skewed representation of the average Canadian attitude. Add to this distortion the relentless American-bashing, along with their Victimology 191 documentaries, and you have a broadcaster that is anything but their vaunted motto, "Trusted, connected, Canadian".

© Bud Talkinghorn

The latest today was an interview with the editor of the New Left, who had a predictable slant (His name, out of the Middle East, but I cannot remember). Who will rid Canadians of CBC's political coverage? Of its pro-Muslim, pro-Arab stance in the face of the worst Islamist atrocities? Or would that affront those from the province so tuned in to France, the EU and the Arab world, to say nothing of our Liberal government?

We are treated to more and more sympathetic coverage of Palestinians but not to the results upon Israelis of the emphasis in Palestinian education on learning hatred and training for jihad against the Israelis, that is death, death, and more death. Let's suppose I missed that one program, still, there is an overwhelming preponderance of pro-Palestinian coverage on CBC.

Why? Why should Canadians have to pay for this? NJC

By your t-shirts, ye shall be known

Why is it that left-wing mass murderers like Mao, Che and Castro can get their faces on t-shirts without a murmur of protest; yet Hitler and Franco can't? Mao has been given the top of the honour role of the 20th century's most prolific executioners. His 30 million victims surpass those of Stalin and Hitler; while his Great Leap Forward campaign set China back twenty years. Great stumble backwards would be more like it. Can the Pol Pot shirt be far behind, with his slogan: "Back to Year Zero"? On the other hand, I suppose one could say that Osama bin Laden is right in that he hates Communism though I would term him bat-wing; he gets great t-shirt exposure in various Islamic countries. However, he is the exception to the rule. Perhaps the entire question should be the basis for a university course, since our uni students seem to be the biggest buyers of these commie thug t-shirts.

© Bud Talkinghorn


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