June 27, 2005

Energy, Aid & its Aftermath, Nigeria, China, Corruption, Nortel & Merry Glory, Whistleblowers

Rumour: There is a rumour that a company from India may be contracted to work on Lepreau -- Check further. Is it Deccan? From the Deccan? Or?

Energy PDF Hill Times

These are but three items.

* Canada’s Federal Energy Minister John Efford says ‘great opportunities for Canadian nuclear industry to come’

* Focus North: The Yukon is coming of age, says Fentie
North wants Mackenzie Gas and Alaska Highway Pipeline projects, integral parts of economy

* Harper says feds don’t have an energy policy framework
And Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper says Canada won’t reach Kyoto’s ‘unrealistic’ targets

Sharia law by stealth Posted by Al Gordon on 18:56:07 2005/06/26 -- including article, Twisted 'tolerance', by Diana West June 24, 2005"

[. . . . ] In outlawing criticism of Islam -- which, so far, is the effect of the law -- Victoria has not only codified a peculiarly strong resistance to reality, but it has also adopted the practice of sharia-ruled states. This makes for a startling spectacle of free people placing a muzzle on speech, a limit on faith and a damper on inquiry.

Douglas Wood lost his freedom at gunpoint; Danny Nalliah and Daniel Scot lost theirs by court-ordered political correctness. We know who rescued Mr. Wood; who will save the pastors?

Aid and Its Aftermath -- Corruption Indices

Nigerian leaders looted $500B David Blair, June 25, 05, A14, Ottawa Citizen

ABUJA, Nigeria - The scale of the task facing western leaders in their drive to help Africa was laid bare yesterday when it emerged that Nigeria's past rulers stole or misused about $500 billion.

[. . . .] The stolen fortune tallies almost exactly with the $500-billion of western aid given to Africa between 1960 and 1997. That amounted to six times the American help given to post-war Europe under the Marshall Plan.
[. . . . ]

Corruption Information Exchange: Nigeria
Corruption costs Nigeria 40 percent of oil wealth, official says.
Nigerian court rules money laundering suspect has immunity
[. . . . ]

Transparency International -- worth bookmarking

Corruption rank for Nigeria -- Nigeria is #90 of 90, while China is #63 along with Egypt, and just above Burkina Faso, Kazakhstan and Zimbabwe which are #65 from 2000. Has it improved since then?

Corruption Information Exchange: Canada

Undoubtedly, there will be more to come, once the PM fixes the "democratic deficit" and the whistleblower legislation is passed.

China -- another recipient of Canadian aid

Part 2: Thefts of U.S. technology boost China's weaponry Bill Gertz, Washington Times, June 27, 05


[. . . . ] David Szady, chief of FBI counterintelligence operations.
He said the Chinese are prolific collectors of secrets and military-related information. [. . . . ]

China's spies use as many as 3,200 front companies -- many run by groups linked to the Chinese military -- that are set up to covertly obtain information, equipment and technology, U.S. officials say. [. . . . ]

Search: "Chinese visitors, students and other nonprofessional"

Part 1: Chinese Dragon Awakens Bill Gertz, June 26, 05

[. . . . ] The advances give the Chinese military "the ability ... to reach out and touch parts of the United States-- Guam, Hawaii and the mainland of the United States," he said. [. . . . ]

The report stated that China will resort "to extreme, offensive and mercantilist measures when other strategies fail, to mitigate its vulnerabilities, such as seizing control of energy resources in neighboring states."

U.S. officials have said two likely targets for China are the Russian Far East, which has vast oil and gas deposits, and Southeast Asia, which also has oil and gas resources. [. . . . ]

Reformers say China is losing its war on drugs

A Chinese Mata Hari, or just misunderstood? May 3, 03, Caroline Overington, The Age New York correspondent

[. . . . ] Leung's real code names, however, are "Parlour Maid" (which is what the FBI called her) and "Merry Glory", which is what the Canadian telecoms giant, Nortel, called her, when she helped them develop a business in China. [. . . . ]

Nortel, which says it did not know that Leung was an undercover agent, paid her $US1.1 million.

US WB Struggle first then Canadian follows -- several articles 06/22/05 - 08:17:12

This is a Canadian site.


Contact: Sibel Edmonds, National Security Whistleblowers Coalition,
sedmonds@nswbc.org , Tel- (703) 519-3640, or, Mike German, National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, [USA]mgerman@nswbc.org

National Security Whistleblowers Demand Protections

Chairman Davis Mounts Sneak Attack on Whistleblowers

WHAT: Prior to a markup on whistleblower protection legislation (H.R. 1317), national security whistleblowers will protest House Government Reform Chairman Tom Davis’ refusal to support legislation to assist them. [. . . . ]


Teeth for Whistle Blower Law 06/11/05 - 03:49:45

Gov. General Please... 06/03/05 - 02:24:38


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