April 22, 2005

A good way to run the government in dealing with the taxpayers' money? No Paper Trails -- & -- A How To Primer on Judicial "Appointments"

A good way to run the government in dealing with the taxpayers' money?

Gomery Inquiry Report Globe and Mail

Montreal — Civil servant Huguette Tremblay testified at the Gomery inquiry Tuesday that she was ordered by those in charge of the sponsorship program not to leave a paper trail for an even [. . . . ]

Note what a paper trail revealed, it seems, about business, our PM and friends. When you have had enough of all this, click on this.

38th Parliament Members of the House of Commons Alphabetical Listing by province -- MP Email Addresses

Express your views to your MP. Check this site menu for the speeches of the Honourable Stephen Harper, Leader of HM Loyal Opposition and the Honourable Paul Martin, PM and leader of the Liberal government, along with the posts on what has been revealed by a credible reporter, Judi McLeod on the UNSCAM and the related item concerning Maurice Strong and Paul Martin's latest woes -- or would that be peccadillo?

This Puts a New Slant on Judicial "Appointments" -- and how to get one

PM dismisses judicial appointment allegations CTV.ca News Staff

[. . . . ] Corbeil told the newspaper that the people who received the cash were part of a group of Liberal supporters at the party's Montreal headquarters during the campaign.

He said the group mainly comprised lawyers, engineers or accountants from major firms who wanted contracts after the election.

"They don't want to get paid right away, they want to get paid later," he said.

Corbeil noted that many of the lawyers have since been named to the bench. [. . . . ]


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