January 07, 2005

Defend What is Best for Children; Defend Marriage

Children have the right to be raised in homes where both role models, mother and father, are present and research conclusively proves this situation is best for children. The Government should not be undermining these rights or pushing this radical redefinition that will have such an adverse impact on our future. Such a fundamental change should only be decided by the voters.

Now is the time to defend marriage, Canada!

Sign the National Marriage Petition!

Is same-sex marriage a simple matter of minority rights, as the Government and most of the media believe?

Or is it a costly social experiment on the backs of our children?

As social scientists join their voices with pro-family organizations to warn about the potentially dire effects of same-sex marriage on children, the family, and society, we believe the issue warrants careful examination by every Canadian. [. . . . ]

Help Spread the Word

Within a few weeks, the Government of Canada will be introducing legislation that could drastically weaken the family. If passed into law, the bill to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide will have profound, unintended, negative impacts on society. It will disenfranchise our children's children of their natural right to a mother, a father, and a stable family environment. And it will endanger that environment that research shows is best for children.

As a concerned Canadian, I have signed the National Marriage Petition to help preserve marriage I encourage you to go to this Web site, http://www.marriagepetition.ca , to learn more about how same-sex marriage threatens the family. This site also has suggestions on additional things you can do to defend marriage.

Brief Background

Marriage in Canada is under attack from activist judges and from the Government who are pushing to legalize same sex marriage.

[. . . . ] The Prime Minister has said that he will allow a “free vote” in Parliament, however all 39 Cabinet Ministers and 28 Parliamentary Secretaries will be required to vote for the Government Bill. The other parties in the Government coalition are expected to support this legislation and at least most of the Conservatives will vote against it. That means that there will be intense pressure on the Government backbenchers to ignore the views of their constituents and vote along party lines or abstain from voting because a majority of these Liberals will have to vote for the Government’s bill for it to pass. So much for a “free vote”.

Make no mistake. Radically changing the definition of marriage by allowing same sex individuals to “marry” will profoundly affect – and threaten – our future as a nation. Because this action has such profound consequences for future generations, it should only be decided by the electorate by referendum in accord with the 1992 referendum Act. Section 3 of this Act provides that the government may “obtain by means of a referendum the opinion of electors on any question relating to the Constitution of Canada”.

It is essential that Canadians make this clear to the Prime Minister.

Links to News Articles
Parliamentary Actions: Candidates voting records on marriage and C-250


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