January 31, 2005

Bud Talkinghorn: Terrorism at Home--We are Failing

I watched CBC Sunday Morning program, where Evan Solomon was interviewing an American group that monitors Islamic internet hate sites in North America. The man interviewed pointed out that the Global Islamic Front out of Toronto was totally subversive. This site offered its viewship ways to destroy Canadian infastructure and how to do other damage to the country. As a special "fear factor' extra, they showed the beheadings of innocent Iraqis and foreigners. When the interview ended, Solomon and MacNeil nit-picked over whether this site "really enhanced or promoted treasonable actions". A classic knee-jerk CBC reaction--mustn't offend the Muslim audience by stating the obvious.

However, there was worse to come. Solomon supposedly asked the RCMP for their opinion. It seems the RCMP is as muddle-headed as the CBC. They were investigating the issue. Meanwhile that site has closed down and will probably pop up under a new name. Is there no authority left in this country that can call a spade a spade? These Islamic fascists are part of international terrorism and should have been jailed for numerous offenses. We don't need new laws to combat these traitors; we already have them. The laws simply need to be enforced. When, after years of unopposed preparation, the terrorists strike, this gutless government will respond by holding a 'special commission' to discover how this could have happened. Unbelievable!

© Bud Talkinghorn


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